

Who is Pete from the Quarrymen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Peter Shotton was John Lennon's oldest friend, from his own neighborhood in Woolton, and co-founded the group with Lennon. Shotton played rhythm on a washboard, but did not enjoy playing music. Lennon "fired" Shotton later by breaking the washboard over his head, but they remained friends.

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His longtime friend Pete Shotton, some of their classmates from Quarry Bank High School, and a couple other friends.

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The Quarrymen was created in 1957.

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The Quarrymen ended in 1960.

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John Lennon formed a band called The Quarrymen.

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John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison were all in "The Quarrymen" before the name of the band went through a series of changes in 1960 and eventually evolved into "The Beatles". It is said that Stu Sutcliffe (bass) was the one who suggested the name "The Beatles" and played a few rehearsals with "The Quarrymen" in early 1960 before the name was changed to "The Silver Beetles". Drummer Pete Best was asked to join The Beatles in August 1960 after "The Quarrymen" name ceased to exist.

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It was the Quarrymen.

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No. The drummer for the Quarrymen was Colin Hanton.

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They were part of a group called the Quarrymen, then they were called the Beatles.

When did John Lennon make The Qarryman?

It is when he was 15 or 16, when his mother buys him a guitar, he forms his first group the Quarrymen with his pals pete shotton, Nigel Whalley and Ivan Vaughan. (1956)

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