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he is a titan and father to poseidon, zues and hades.

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1mo ago

In the Percy Jackson series, Kronos is a powerful titan who is the father of Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. He is known for being a major antagonist who seeks to overthrow the gods and take control of Mount Olympus. kronos is a prominent figure in the "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series.

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Who are Percy Jackson's enemies?

Percy Jackson has many enemies, such as monsters. However, his deathly enemy is Kronos, the evil Titan. His also arch rival and enemy is Luke, who works for Kronos throughout the Percy Jackson series.

What titans does Percy Jackson battle in the Percy Jackson series?

Kronos, atlas and Hyperion He battles atlas in the battle of the labryinth and battles Kronos and Hyperion in the last olympian

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The antagonists are Ares, Kronos, and Luke (at the end).

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The major antagonist, or villain, is Kronos.

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ethan nakamura. percy saved nakamura but nakamura helped kronos rise.

In Percy Jackson who's body is kronos in?

Luke Castellan, son of Hermes.

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Because she was scared of him.

Is there a fanfic where Percy is possessed by kronos?

Yes. There are many. Google search "ff percy jackson possessed kronos" the first link should be a collection of pretty good ones! :)

What is the plot in Percy Jackson the last Olympian?

Its about Percy and his teamates preparing and fighting for their final battle against Kronos and the titans

Does Kronos appear in any of the Percy Jackson books?

Yes, he is the Main Bad Guy.

Does Percy Jackson kill the minotaur?

Luke, Kronos, and a lot of people!