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Theodor Geisel AKA Dr. Seuss

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Q: Who is the author of the book Lorax?
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Related questions

When is The Lorax going to come out?

The Lorax is going to come out on March 2nd (the author of the book's birthday((Dr.Seuss)) ).

Who is the illustrator of the book The Lorax?

The illustrator of the book "The Lorax" is the author himself, Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel). He wrote the story and created the illustrations that accompany it.

What is The Lorax?

"The Lorax" is a children's book written by Dr. Seuss that tells the story of the Lorax, a small orange creature who speaks for the trees and the environment. The book focuses on themes of environmental conservation and the negative impact of industrialization on nature.

How long is the movie The Lorax?

The movie "The Lorax" has a runtime of 86 minutes.

What Dr. Seuss character speaks for the trees?

The Lorax is the Dr. Seuss character who speaks for the trees. He is an environmental activist and protector of the environment in the book "The Lorax."

Is The Lorax by DR.Seuss new or old?

"The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss was first published in 1971, so it is considered an older book.

What is the city of publication for the book -The Lorax by Dr. Seuss?

"The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss was published in New York City.

What is the book lorax massage?

"The Lorax" is a children's book written by Dr. Seuss. It tells the story of the Lorax, a small, mustachioed creature who speaks for the trees and warns against the dangers of environmental destruction. The book conveys a powerful message about the importance of protecting the environment and the consequences of overconsumption.

Can you plant a Lorax tree?

The "Lorax tree" is a fictional species from Dr. Seuss's book "The Lorax." In reality, you cannot plant a Lorax tree as it does not exist. However, you can plant real trees to help the environment and promote sustainability.

Which dr.suess book teaches us about the environment?

the lorax

How many words are in The Lorax?

Just read the book in a website or buy it to find out. There are many websites to find the book.

What did The Lorax want to the with the Trees?

The Lorax wanted to protect the trees and the environment from destruction by the Once-ler's business practices in the Dr. Seuss book "The Lorax." He spoke for the trees and warned against the consequences of deforestation.