

Who is the author of the story last cover?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The author's name is Paul Annixter.

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Q: Who is the author of the story last cover?
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What is a connotation in the last cover?

the connotation in the last cover is that benjy was desperate for ice cream which is the connotation in the story

In the story last cover, what is colins talent?

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Who wrote the short story Last Cover?

Paul Annixter

In the Story Last Cover where did it take place?

The short story "Last Cover" by Paul Annixter takes place in the wilderness of the United States, where a family of beavers sets up home in a pond. The story follows the interactions between the beavers, hunter Lem Sargisson, and his dog Rip.

In the story Last Cover where is Bandits hiding place?

Bandit hides in the swamp so that the dogs cannot smell him.

In the story Last Cover why where they trying to find Bandit?

In the story "Last Cover," they were trying to find Bandit because he was critical to the success of the mission. Bandit was an expert in navigating the dangerous territory, and without him, they risked getting lost or captured by the enemy.

What is the name and author of the story about a little boy who visits the last tree in the world and finds an acorn?

The story is called Autumntime by A. Lentini.

What is the meaning of cover story?

A cover story is a featured article in a magazine or newspaper that appears on the front cover, typically highlighting a specific topic or person. It is designed to attract readers and generate interest in the publication.

What has the author Megan Tresidder written?

Megan Tresidder has written: 'The Penguin cover story' -- subject(s): Penguin Books

Who is the author of the story?

One who writes story called author of the story.

Who is Mao's last dancer based on?

It is based on the author Li Cunxin and it is a true story. Hope this helps!! :)