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The two largest street gangs in Belize are Bloods and Crips. Although some of these gangs are considered "official", the majority are not.

Yet, of all the gangs in Belize city, the GEORGE STREET BLOODS is the biggest and most powerful gang in Belize.

Also, MS-13 and 18th Street are becoming more and more visible in Belize

other gangs include the whoovas, peoples & folks.

however gangs don't dominate the crime in Belize, its about what street or neighborhood you are from. for many times Bloods fight Bloods and Crips fight Crips. there are the:-

CRIP GANGS which includes: Majestic Alley Crips, River-Side Crips, Ghost Town Crips, Third World, Dogg Pound etc.

BLOOD GANGS which includes: Kings Park Posse, P.I.V., The Jungle, George Street, Brick City, & others etc.

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