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There are no patron saints of sailors lost at sea but there are a number of patrons of sailors:Adjutor of Vernon

Andrew the Apostle

Anthony of Padua


Botulph of Ikanhoe

Brendan the Navigator

Brigid of Ireland

Budoc of Brittany

Christina of Bolsena


Clement I

Constabilis of Cava



Eulalia of Barcelona

Francis of Paola


Hardoin of Brittany


Idesbald of Dunes

Isidore of Chios


John Roche

Julian the Hospitaller

Lucy of Syracuse

Michael the Archangel

Nicholas of Myra

Nicholas of Tolentino

Nuestra Senora de Guia

Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Our Lady of Guidance

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Solitude

Peter Gonzales

Phocas the Gardener

Spyridon of Cyrpus

Torpes of Pisa


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St. Nicholas of Greece is the patron saint of Seamen, Children and others.

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Q: Who is the patron saint of sailors lost at sea?
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Who is the patron saint of yachtsmen?

The most accurate answer is St Adjutor. Notwithstanding this, there are a number of other saints who have been deigned to patronise activities akin to yachting. For example:- * St Erasmus of Formiae is widely regarded as the patron saint sailors (and also the that of pyrotechnicians, steeplejacks, chimney sweeps and anyone who works at great heights). * * Brendan the Navigator (the patron saint of mariners, seafarers, sailors and those traveling by sea), and * * Peter the Apostle (whose wideranging patronage extends over sailors, popes, fishermen, fishmongers, bakers, harvesters, butchers, glass makers, carpenters, shoemakers, clockmakers, blacksmiths, potters, masons, bridge builders and cloth makers). Apparently, the seafaring of the Bretons regard St Maturinus as their patron Saint.

Do mermaids assist?

Yes, mermaids only assist sailors lost at sea.

Who is the patron saint of skateboarding?

St. Brendan is the patron saint of sailors/ navigators/etc. He lived from 484-577 AD and was from County Kerry in Ireland. he set sail for many years in an large curagh and trusted in God to guide his ship. He reached Iceland and Greenland and was rumored to have reached the Americas as well. While there is no patron saint of the sea per se, Brendan is the patron saint of sea-faring people. I hope this answers your question.

Why is St. Nicholas the patron saint of sailors?

At one time Nicholas was on a sea voyage to visit the Holy Land. A violent storm came up and all were in fear that the ship would be sunk. Nicholas prayed that the storm would stop - and it did.

How did sirens come to be?

In mythology they were likely created to explain why ships or sailors were lost at sea.