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A soothsayer is a prophet. The word comes from "sooth" which means "truth"; he is a "truth-sayer". He tells Caesar to "beware the ides of March" which should tip him off that something bad is going to happen then. Caesar, however, ignores the warning.

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Q: Who is the soothsayer and what information does he provide to Caesar?
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What does the soothsayer tell Caesar's in scene 2 how does Caesar respond?

The soothsayer warned Caesar that he needed to be cautious of the dangers of the Ides of March. Caesar chose to ignore the soothsayer.

Who was told beware of the ides of march?

Julius Caesar was told to beware the ides of March by a soothsayer in the play Julius Caesar.

How does Caesar respond to the Soothsayer's warning?

Caesar says that he is a dreamer.

What does the soothsayer warn Caesar?

The Soothsayer gives Caesar a warning. He says," Caesar!" "Beware the ides of March." This warning is very important to the story because Julius Caesar's death is on March 15, 44 BCE. (The Ides of March). This information was gathered from the text of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and also from

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To warn Caesar to beware of the Ides of March.

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The soothsayer wishes to see Caesar pass on to the Capitol to fulfill his warning from earlier, where he cautioned Caesar to beware the Ides of March. The soothsayer believes in fate and is concerned about the consequences of ignoring his warning.

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Who told caesar about the Ides of March?

the soothsayer

Who told Caesar beware the Ides of march?

The soothsayer

Who has the conspirators list in Julius Caesar?

The soothsayer for one.

What warning does the fortuneteller give to Caesar?

Soothsayer warned Caesar to beware of the Ides of March which was a warning that he will die on the 15th of March. Caesar did not take well to it and claimed that Soothsayer was a dreamer.

How does Julius Caesar respond to what the soothsayer tells him in scene 2?

In Act I Scene ii of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, a soothsayer warns Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March" Caesar decides to ignore him. He says "He is a dreamer. Let us leave him. Pass"