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Who is your absolute favorite message board host

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Which WikiAnswers user has the most messages on his or her message board?

Currently I think it would be Stupid little genius, who has over 17,000 messages on her message board.

Why are electronic message boards more useful than standard message boards?

The electronic message board is one where lots and more stuff can be posted. Also, its more up-to-date. A standard message board one where no lots of people use. Also, it is less up-to-date than most electronic ones.

What is Italy's most popular red grape variety?

Sangiovese is Italy's most popular red grape variety I think. Alex.....x - Please leave a message on my message-board about how helpful I was. Thanks.

How can a message be written on my message borad?

Someone will click the write a message button on your message board. Another way would to click the write a message on your message board link at the bottom of the screen. Also, when you send someone a message, when they view it, in the upper right corner of the message is two buttons that say "Reply" and "Delete" they can send you a message by clicking "Reply".

What can cork board sheets be used for?

Cork board sheets are most commonly used for message boards that can have notes pinned to it. It can also be used as a spongy sort of flooring underlay.

How do most substances turn from solids to liquid?

I want to say melting tell me if I'm wrong on my message board from beatlemania1234

What does it mean to bump a post?

When someone "bumps" a post, such as on a message board, it means they post a meaningless reply to a message. This usually has the effect of elevating a message to the top of those displayed, which are often sorted according to most recent activity.

Does Jerry Cantrell answer these questions?

Maybe. Most contributors here are anonymous. Use the link to his web site and try the message board to see.

Can you ask Brave3 a question?

Yes, you can most certainly ask Brave3 a question. He is always willing to help. You can e-mail him or leave a message on his board.

What is phpBB?

PhpBB is a free open-source internet message board built on php and MySQL. It has a large database of modifications that can be installed, of styles that can be edited and languages sets that can be added. It is the most widely used IMB (Internet Message Board), and webhosts even offer packages containing only a phpbb forum.

What does it mean when the area where you put the CD into a wii is blue?

This means the wii is receiving an update you can check the update on the wii message board most likely you will either: Receive a message from a wii friend that you registered, Receive a message from the Nintendo channel, Receive a message from the check Mii out channel, Receive a picture from a wii friend.

What is the cheat on roar?

There are lots and lots of different cheat but i have forgotten most of them but what i did was start a new subject on the roar message board because people will answer soon enough