

Who made up the joke about the chicken crossing the road?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The chicken, of coarse!!

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Q: Who made up the joke about the chicken crossing the road?
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What does the joke why did the chicken cross the get to the other side mean?

it's basically a trick question. you would think that there is some reason why the chicken is crossing the road but its actually the most simple answer - to get to the other side. its just a dumb joke and the whole point is to confuse you.

Who thought of the joke why did the chicken cross the road?

i believe it was a chicken one day that was crossing the road and decided to make jokes about himself. he shared them with his fellow chicks and they were in giggles, one of the chicks actually pee'd themselves and then it dr dolittle could talk to animals and found out about the joke and spread it about humans and then it became famous.

This bird is always crossing the road?

a chicken

Why is it a chicken they decided to make a road joke about?

Nobody actually knows why the chicken is the object of all the crossing the road jokes. Perhaps the other animals didn't make it across the road. That is certainly the case with deer, possum, squirrel, etc. They would all be hit by cars, and that is not a joking matter nor funny.

What is the rubbishist joke in the world?

the rubbishist joke in the world is probably.... Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!

Did the chicken make it to the other side of the road?

In most versions of the joke, no.

What was the very first joke?

Why did the Chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

What is the best joke?

"Why did the chicken cross the road" is a classic joke. There are lots of great joke books in the humor section of your local library or bookstore.

Why Did the chicken stop crossing the road?

Because it was tired of people laughing at it.

When will the chicken be ready?

When it's finished crossing the road. Boom boom

What did the raccoon say to the chicken who was crossing the road?

Nothin, cause its dead.