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It may have been the women in factories because i dont think they were importing goods during that time period

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Q: Who produced the goods in World War 2?
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What were the two major consumer goods factories that produced military products in the US during World War 2?

the answer is easy. gasoline and shoes!!

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What did Americans purchase goods on after World War 2?

zippidy do da

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To pay for militarise debt for World War 2

Materialism become in the US after World War 2?

There was a definite rise in materialism after World War II. Due to the Great Depression before the war, and very limited production of goods for consumers during the war, the American people hadn't had a chance to purchase new things. Once the war was over, civilian goods were being produced again, and Americans had money saved and were looking to spend.

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with war bonds

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During World War 2, penicillin was first mass-produced and saved millions of lives.

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What jobs did women find during world war 2?

Many of them worked in factories producing war goods.