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Q: Who tests your blood to see what is wrong?
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You have had 3 positive blood pregnancy tests and one negative home pregnancy test which was taken after the first positive blood test was reported what does this mean?

It means that either the blood tests were wrong or the home pregnancy test was wrong

What are kind of test are there to check for allergies?

There are skin tests where they prick you with the allergen in small doses and see if your skin reacts and blood tests where blood is drawn from your arm and tested in a laboratory.

What exactly is a phlebotomy test?

Basically they will draw your blood and perform different tests on it to see if you have infections or other conditions. It is just the medical word for taking your blood and perform ing tests on it.

What are blood tests?

Blood sugar tests include several different tests that measure the amount of sugar (glucose) in a person's blood.

Will drugs show up in my blood tests?

Only if your blood is tested for whatever you took. If they don't look for it, they won't see it by accident.

Why do people suffer from flat feet pain?

Basically they will draw your blood and perform different tests on it to see if you have infections or other conditions. It is just the medical word for taking your blood and perform ing tests on it.

What does 10 percent positive on a blood pregnancy test mean?

You read the results wrong. Blood pregnancy tests aren't reported in percentages. Take a look at the result again.

When you force to vomit and blood comes outwhat is wrong?

Usually, when blood comes out of your vomit, you need to see a doctor. If you are a woman, you are probably going through your period. If you are a man, ask a doctor to see what is wrong.

Why do potential employers make you take blood tests?

To see whether you have taken illegal drugs recently.

Should people protest against cosmetic testing on animals?

its testing no one likes tests but hey, you know that ANIMAL testing is wrong? so yes, i they should (unless they're blood tests)

You have a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your blood tests whats wrong?

If you have this problem, you might have a problem in your small intesine's terminal ileum where B12 is absorbed.

Why are blood type tests necessary?

It is important because if you ever needed a blood transfusion or organ transplant it will help get the best match to you. If you are given the wrong type there could be problems afterwards.