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Q: Who was The person that was first killed in the cause if American independence?
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Was one of the first person killed in the cause of American independence?


Who was the first person killed for the cause of the American independence?

Crispus Attucks, on March 5, 1770.

Which black person was killed in the cause of American independence?

Crispus Attucks is typically believed to be the first black person to die in the cause of American liberty. He was a casualty in the Boston Massacre.

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Who is this person was one of the first people killed in the cause of American independence?


1st person killed in the cause American Idependence?

haha loser

Was Crispus Attucks one of the first people to be killed in the cause of American independence?

Yes he was killed in the Boston massacre when he threw a snowball at a British soldier.

Who was the 1st person killed in the cause of American independence?

Crispix Attix, boston massacure (affrican american)

What were the cause when the American revolution war was done?

for independence

One of the First people killed in cause of America Independence?

Crispus Attucks

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he believed the american declaring independence was the cause.

What is the cause of the American independence movement?

british taxation policy