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Q: Who was a good leader in the world?
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Impact of a good leader to the society?

a good leader creates a better society and leads people to a more Utopian world.

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Steve Jobs' Think Different leadership has changed our lives Explain?

It takes a good leader to make a difference in the world

What country is the world leader of obesity and diabetes?

The good old USA

Is Alexander the was a good and world famous leader?

yes he is a world famous leader because he invaided all the countries we didnt need knew exactly how to treat his men and now loads of war men are calling him their leader.

Can you be the leader of the leader who leads the world but the world leads mars?

No. You would have to be the leader of the world to do that.

How was balto a good leader?

no he is not a good leader

Was Napoleon Bonaparte a success?

First I would suggest you define your thoughts of success. In many peoples eyes Napolean Bonaparte was a "bad leader"but, to others he is a role model because he knew was in fact a good leader in their eyes. Napolean Bonaparte in my eyes was a good leader because he was in contol of the people. He might not have made the best decisions in the eyes of the everyday person who was not in the place to judge because they did not have to make secisions like that but he was a good leader. He was a success because he is recognized all over the world as a good and strong leader who fought hard. In my eye's that is a success, being world renowned and being a good leader.

I bought a Luk clutch kit and was wondering if it was any good?

Luk is very good clutch kit.One of the world leader

Was Joan of Arc a good leader?

Yes she was a very good leader. She was such a good leader that her soldiers refused to fight with out her!

Who was Adolf Hitler in one sentence?

Hitler is good man in the world

How is bill gates a machiavellian leader?

Bill Gates a Machiavellian leader due to the various contributions that he has made in the world of technology. He is regarded as a brilliant Machiavellian leader who offers modern leadership.