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Philip Sheridan, in a campaign that was later emulated by Sherman in the Carolinas, ravaged the Shenandoah Valley in late September 1864 to deprive Confederate general Jubal Early of provisions for his own army.

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Q: Who was the Union general who devastated the Shenandoah valley to protect Washington DC from a rebel threat?
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What general followed Lee's troops to protect Washington DC?

gen. Hooker

How did General In Chief George B. McClellan plan to protect Washington DC while he was fighting in the Peninsula?

The US Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton wanted to know from General George B. McClellan, his plans for protecting Washington DC while the main part of the Army of the Potomac was engaged in battle in the Peninsula campaign. Both he and US President Lincoln were concerned that while McClellan was in Virginia fighting his Peninsula campaign that there was a possibility of a Confederate assault on Washington DC.McClellan outlined for Stanton his plans for this. The troops he would leave in and around Washington DC would number 55,500 including the 35,000 troops in the Shenandoah. As General in Chief, McClellan assumed that all of these troops would remain under his command as he parted for Fort Monroe.

What was the strategy proposed by Major General George B McClellan after the Battle of Antietam?

After the Battle of Antietam and the Confederate retreat back to Virginia, General McClellan proposed a plan of action that appears to be a logical one from a military and political point of view. He proposed to prevent more Southern raids into the North by securing a line along the Potomac River and along the Shenandoah Valley. This plan was ambitious and required extensive bridge building and railroad constructions that would be fortified to protect them. He also saw the prospect of renewing his peninsula campaign in 1863 as the plans to secure the Potomac and the Shenandoah Valley would have protected Washington DC.

What was a key reason for General Lee's strategy of keeping Union armies away from Richmond in 1863?

It was essential to protect General Lee's logistic base, the region north of Richmond and its railroads to the fertile Shenandoah Valley. Union Major General Joseph Hooker would attempt to foil Lee's plans in the late Spring of 1863. This would result in the Battle of Chancellorsville.

What two Union generals assessed the need for more troops to protect Washington DC as the Peninsula campaign began to unfold?

President Lincoln took the advice of generals Hitchcock and Thomas on the number of troops that were needed to protect Washington DC as the Peninsula campaign was about to begin. As a result, General McDowell's corps were removed from General McClellan's army as the Peninsula campaign was almost ready to begin.

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its a big ocean it can protect anything

What concern did Union General Burnside have about a large scale attack on Richmond?

I believe that Burnside's main concern with moving his army directly south towards Richmond was the distinct possibility of a flank attack from Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, whose Corps occupied the Shenandoah Valley. The nearby presence of Robert E. Lee's army added to this concern.General Burnside, among others was concerned that using the large amount of troops against Richmond posed a major problem. The concern was that not enough Union forces would be available to protect Washington DC, in case the Confederates launched an attack on the US capital.

How do they protect the Washington monument?

a fence

What did Union General George B McClellan believe was the best way to protect Washington DC from a Confederate assault?

Union General George B. McClellan, along with many other Union generals, believed the best way to defend Washington DC, would be to assault Richmond, the Confederate capital. Their thinking was that if Confederate General Robert E. Lee had been compelled to fight for the safety of Richmond, he would have been forced to concentrate the main part of his army around that city. Now Lee would still have the ability to launch a raid down the Shenandoah Valley, if the valley was improperly protected by Union forces, this would only require a small segment of his army. It would not constitute a decisive threat to Washington DC. With the Union attacking, rather then withdrawing, this would have forced Lee to fight which to many was the best path to a Union end to the rebellion.

What does protect the general welfare mean?

Protect the general welfare means to look after someone or something making sure that they are alright. For example, you might protect the welfare of children.

How did the Union army protect the vital Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1862?

In 1862, the Union had garrisoned 12,000 troops at Harper's Ferry. Located at the head of the Shenandoah Valley, these troops were also able to protect the vital the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

Why did Abraham Lincoln withold troops from general george B. mcclellan even as he pushed the general to attack?

Lincoln wanted enough troops to remain near Washington DC to defend it from Confederate attack. McClellan had taken almost all of the Army of the Potomac into Virginia, and as shown later in the war, a determined Southern attack could force a large contingent to hurriedly return to Washington to protect the capital. The capital cities of Richmond and Washington are only about 100 miles apart.