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Happy 87th birthday to the man who broke the sonic-barrier, chuck-yeager. In 1947, Yeager showed that he had the right-stuff-1when he flew his bell-x-1aircraft at a speed of about 662 mph/1,066 km/h and an altitude of over 40,000 ft/12,000 m, becoming the first to travel faster than the speed of sound. A couple of days before the flight, Yeager had broken some ribs in a horseback riding accident. He was so afraid of being grounded, he avoided his regular doctor and had a veterinarian treat him.

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Q: Who was the first to travel faster than the speed of sound?
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He never did. But he was the first pilot to successfully travel faster than the speed of sound in 1947.

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The speed of sound is faster then the amount of speed a sneeze can generate. The speed of sound travels 741mph while the information that is provided shows a sneeze can travel up to 100mph.

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The sound barrier

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Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

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Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

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Man can travel, and has travelled, faster than the speed of sound. The speed of sound is also known as the sound barrier, and when an aircraft "breaks" it you won't hear it until it has passed by you. " It was in the X-15 that Chuck Yeager was credited with being the first man to break the sound barrier in level flight on 14 October 1947" (Wikipedia).

Who was the first person to fly faster then the speed of sound?

Chuck Yeager was the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. He achieved this in 1947.

Does sound travel faster or slower with amplitude?

Amplitude has hardly any effect on the speed of sound.

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They are called ultra sonic. They travel faster than sound

How does air tempurature affect the speed of sound?

Sound waves travel through particle vibration, and when the temperature is high, the particles vibrate faster, thus the sound must travel faster with particles.