

Who was the publishing company for westing game?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is Scholastic, they are very popular so you can find them ain a lot of places especially a library

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Samuel W. Westing

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Puffin. A company that publishes books.

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There was no crime in The Westing Game.

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There were 16 people who played the Westing Game in the book.

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The Westing Game was created in 1978.

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What was the crime in The Westing Game?

The crime in "The Westing Game" was the murder of Samuel W. Westing, the wealthy industrialist. The participants in the game had to solve the mystery of his death to win his inheritance.

Who is miss westing in the westing game?

Miss Westing in "The Westing Game" is actually Samuel W. Westing, a wealthy businessman who was assumed to be dead but was playing a complex game with the potential heirs to his fortune. He uses the disguise of a mysterious figure to orchestrate the game and test the heirs' abilities.