



The industry that obtained rights to the work of authors, it grew to include the collection of information. They would use this material to create books or collections of information for distribution to the public. Originally the domain of newspapers and magazines, the modern advances have grown to include online publishing.

3,417 Questions

What is the theme for nspc sy-2011-2012?

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The theme for NSPC for school year 2011-2012 was "Philippine society as the Backdrop of Journalism Development". This theme aimed to highlight the role of journalism in shaping and reflecting Filipino society.

What are Clipper Magazine ad rates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Clipper Magazine's ad rates vary depending on factors such as ad size, frequency of publication, and geographic location. It is recommended to contact Clipper Magazine directly for a personalized quote based on your specific advertising needs.

What is the publisher's name for save the moon for Kerdy Dickus?

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The publisher of "Save the Moon for Kerdy Dickus" by Kate Banks is Farrar, Straus and Giroux Books for Young Readers.

Doerstein clowns driving hot rod in outer space 1988 lithograph print Scafa-Tornabene art publishing company?

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The lithograph print "Doerstein Clowns Driving Hot Rod in Outer Space" from 1988 by Scafa-Tornabene Art Publishing Company features a whimsical and unique blend of elements, combining clowns, hot rods, and outer space in a visually engaging way. The artwork likely reflects the creative and imaginative style characteristic of Scafa-Tornabene's prints during that time period. It could be a playful and surreal addition to any art collection.

Should you purchase Microsoft publisher separate from office?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whether you should purchase Microsoft Publisher separately from the Office suite depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

Usage Frequency and Requirement: Evaluate how often you will use Microsoft Publisher and what specific features you need. Publisher is primarily used for creating publications such as newsletters, brochures, and flyers. If you frequently create such documents, Publisher might be essential for you.

Cost Consideration: Microsoft Publisher is typically not included in the basic versions of Microsoft Office such as Office Home & Student. If you only need Publisher and none of the other Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, purchasing Publisher separately might be more cost-effective than buying the entire Office suite.

Office 365 Subscription vs. One-Time Purchase: If you opt for the latest Office suites like Office 365, Publisher is included in some of the subscription plans (e.g., Office 365 Home, Personal, or Business Premium). In this case, subscribing to Office 365 might give you access to Publisher along with other applications for a reasonable monthly or annual fee.

Compatibility and Integration: Consider how Publisher integrates with other Microsoft Office applications. If you frequently need to import content from Word or Excel into Publisher documents, having all applications from the same suite ensures seamless compatibility.

Alternatives and Free Options: Evaluate whether you truly need the advanced features of Microsoft Publisher. For simpler layout tasks, there are free or less expensive alternatives available that might meet your needs without the cost of Publisher.

Long-Term Planning: Think about your long-term needs. If you foresee using more Microsoft Office applications in the future, investing in the entire suite might be more economical over time, especially if your needs expand beyond Publisher.

Promotional Offers and Discounts: Take advantage of promotional offers and discounts when purchasing Microsoft products. Websites like Softwarekey4u .com offer affordable upgrade keys that can help you save on purchases. Using discount codes like SAVE30GIFT can further reduce your costs.

In conclusion, whether you should purchase Microsoft Publisher separately depends on your specific requirements for desktop publishing and document creation. Assessing your usage frequency, cost considerations, integration needs, and long-term plans will help you make an informed decision. Be sure to explore available discounts and promotional offers to optimize your purchase.

What doubts did Darwin have about publishing 'On the Origin of Species'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Darwin had doubts about facing criticism from the scientific community, potential backlash from religious groups, and the impact his ideas would have on society. He was also concerned about the implications of his theory on human evolution.

What date did Ptolemy publish the astronomical book the almagest?

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Ptolemy's astronomical book "The Almagest" was published around the year 150 AD. It served as the authoritative text on astronomy for over a thousand years and had a profound impact on the development of astronomical understanding.

How is a fungal culture performed?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

A sample is collected from the suspected fungal infection site and placed on a special culture medium optimized for fungal growth. The culture is then incubated at the appropriate temperature and monitored for any fungal growth. Colonies that form can be examined under a microscope or through other techniques to identify the specific type of fungus present.

What type of ink does Los Angeles times newspaper use?

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The Los Angeles Times uses a soy-based ink for printing their newspaper. Soy ink is considered more environmentally friendly compared to traditional petroleum-based inks.

Why does letters of newspaper seem raised when looked through thick glass?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you look at letters of a newspaper through thick glass, the phenomenon is known as "magnification." The glass acts as a lens, focusing and slightly enlarging the image of the text on the newspaper, making it appear raised. This effect is due to the bending of light rays as they pass through the glass.

What is the Purpose of agar in media?

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Asked by Wiki User

Agar is used in media because it provides a solid surface for bacterial or fungal growth. It allows for the even distribution of microbes in the media, making it easier to isolate and identify individual colonies. Agar also remains solid at typical incubation temperatures, allowing for long-term culture maintenance.

What is the largest newspapers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The largest newspapers in the world by circulation include Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan), The Asahi Shimbun (Japan), and USA Today (United States). These newspapers have widespread readership and influence in their respective countries.

Why is information from a newspaper reliable?

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Information from a newspaper is generally considered reliable because reporters and editors follow ethical and professional guidelines in gathering and verifying news. Newspapers have a responsibility to provide accurate and unbiased reporting to maintain their credibility. Additionally, most newspapers have fact-checking processes in place to ensure the accuracy of the information they publish.

How does biology impact journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biology can impact journalism by providing a scientific basis for health and environmental reporting, allowing journalists to accurately communicate complex scientific concepts to the public. Understanding biology can also help journalists in covering topics such as genetics, medicine, and wildlife conservation. By incorporating biological knowledge, journalists can produce more informed and accurate stories that contribute to public understanding and awareness.

What is daisy meadow's favorite book?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not able to provide personal information about individuals without their consent. It would be best to ask Daisy Meadow directly about her favorite book.

What is clear sand and what is it used for?

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Asked by COLT45

Clear sand is a type of sand that does not have impurities or color. It is commonly used in construction, landscaping, and for making glass. Its clean and uniform texture makes it ideal for various applications where a consistent appearance is desired.

What is the current cover price of los angeles times daily newspaper?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of my last update, the current cover price of the Los Angeles Times daily newspaper is $2.50. However, prices may vary depending on location and promotions. It's recommended to check the newspaper's website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.

Aseptic technique correct sequence of events in transferring bacteria from a culture tube into a new media tube?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Disinfect the work area and wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Use a sterile loop to transfer a small amount of bacteria from the culture tube into the new media tube.
  3. Flame the mouth of both tubes before and after transferring the bacteria to prevent contamination.
  4. Seal the new media tube and incubate at the appropriate temperature for growth.

Who published the book Principia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sir Isaac Newton's book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) was published by the Royal Society in 1687.

How much does a plate cylinder from a Halm 4 color jet press weight?

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A plate cylinder from a Halm 4 color jet press typically weighs around 50-60 pounds.

Is there a newspaper article for the dust bowl?

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Yes, there are many newspaper articles that were written during the Dust Bowl era in the 1930s. These articles documented the environmental and economic impact of the severe drought and dust storms that devastated the Great Plains region of the United States. You may be able to find digital archives of these articles in historical newspaper databases.

Why does the newspaper turn yellow on prolonged exposure to air?

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Newspapers turn yellow due to the oxidation of the lignin in the paper fibers when exposed to air and light. This process is accelerated by the presence of acids in the paper and environmental factors like humidity. Over time, the lignin breaks down and causes the paper to lose its brightness and turn yellow.