

Battles of El Alamein

The First Battle of El Alamein was fought in Egypt in July of 1942 as part of World War II. Though this battle ended in stalemate, it stalled the advance of the Axis Powers in Egypt and led to the Second Battle of El Alamein, which was fought in October and November of 1942. The Second Battle ended in victory for the Allies, and it was a major turning point in World War II.

136 Questions

What theater did the battle of El Alamein take place?

The Battle of El Alamein took place in North Africa, specifically in the western desert region of Egypt.

When did First Battle of El Alamein happen?

First Battle of El Alamein happened on 1942-07-27.

How many soldiers fought on each side in the battle of el alamein?

The first Battle of El Alamein in July 1942 had about 100,000 Germans against 150,000 Allies (British,Australian,New Zealand,Soouth African and Indian, ) Tjhe Germans had about 70 tanks, but of superior performance to the 150 British tanks.

What is the second battle of el alamein?

This followed the first battle,two months later. Now the Allies had re-grouped east of the first battle. Gen montgomery had taken charge of the Allies and they were greatly re-inforced by over 800 tanks and over 200,000 men. Rather than fighting from a forced defence as the first battle was, here Montgomery had room to plan offensively and his tanks and artillery were amazingly successful.

What is the cause and effects of the battle of el alamein?

The cause of both battles was to try and drive the Allies out of Africa. -The effect was just the opposite as Rommel exceeded his supply lines and was forced into retreat.

Where was the 2nd Battle of El Alamein?

The battle was near the town from which both battles derive their name - El Alamein,Egypt .

How many people fought in the battle of el alamein?

Almost 400,000 people fought in the 2 nd battle of El Alamein.

When did the Battle of El-Alamein begin and end?

The first Battle of El Alamein was in July 1942, the 2 nd was in October and early November 1942

Why was the battle of el- alamein a turning point in world war 2?

Because the German tanks had been decisively beaten causing too much damage to repair and they also lacked air support.

What countries where involed on the battle of el alamein?

The two combatants were Britain's Eighth Army led by Bernard Montgomery and Germany's Afrika Corps led by Erwin Rommel.

Why did the battle of el-alamein happen?

The Germans and Allies both wanted command of the Suez Canal -that was what the entire war in North Africa was about.