



Journalists are those who collect and disseminate information on people, current events, issues and trends. Their work is acknowledged as journalism. Journalists include reporters, editors, as well as visual journalists.

1,695 Questions

What does an animal journalist do for a living?

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Asked by Wiki User

An animal journalist reports on stories related to animals, wildlife, conservation, and related topics. They may write articles, produce videos, or create content for various media outlets about animals and their welfare. Their work can help raise awareness about animal issues and advocate for their protection and well-being.

What do you call a branching diagram showing derived traits?

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Asked by Wiki User

A branching diagram showing derived traits is called a cladogram. It is used in cladistics to depict the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms based on shared derived characteristics.

What traits do cats have?

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Asked by Barber007

Cats are known for being independent, curious, agile, and resourceful animals. They have sharp senses, including excellent hearing and night vision, which aid in their hunting abilities. Additionally, cats are known for their grooming behaviors and strong territorial instincts.

What is a derived trait?

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Asked by Wiki User

A derived trait is a characteristic that is present in an organism, group of organisms, or species as a result of evolutionary changes or adaptations from its ancestral form. It is a feature or attribute that has evolved over time and is unique to a particular lineage or group of organisms.

Is it bad for flies to be on food?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most instances, spotting a fly on your food doesn't mean you need to throw it out. While there is little doubt that flies can carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites from waste to our food, a single touchdown is unlikely to trigger a chain reaction leading to illness for the average healthy person

What allele covers up or dominates the other trait?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dominant allele covers up or masks the expression of the recessive allele in a heterozygous individual. The dominant allele is typically represented by an uppercase letter, while the recessive allele is represented by a lowercase letter.

What is the difference between simple and complex simple seizures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Simple partial seizures do not affect awareness or consciousness, while complex partial seizures may alter consciousness or awareness. Simple partial seizures typically involve one specific area of the brain and can manifest as motor, sensory, or autonomic symptoms. Complex partial seizures involve larger areas of the brain and may lead to unusual behaviors or confusion.

Is there really a Julian of macedon?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no historical evidence of a Julian of Macedon. It is possible that you may be confusing this individual with other Macedonian figures from history, such as Alexander the Great or Philip II of Macedon.

What is Labile organic matter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Labile organic matter refers to organic materials that are easily decomposed by microorganisms, releasing nutrients back into the soil. This type of organic matter is typically more responsive to changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture levels, and plays a key role in nutrient cycling within ecosystems.

How do lefties write?

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Left-handed individuals typically write by grasping the pen or pencil with their left hand and using a writing motion that feels comfortable for them. Some left-handed writers may have adapted their writing style to accommodate their dominant hand, while others may utilize certain utensils or techniques designed for left-handed individuals.

What are manipulated traits?

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Asked by Wiki User

Manipulated traits are characteristics that are intentionally altered or controlled by an individual or outside force. This can involve genetic modification, selective breeding, or other techniques to change the expression of certain traits in organisms. Manipulated traits are often used in scientific research, agriculture, and other fields to achieve specific goals or outcomes.

What can journalists do to mitigate climate change?

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Asked by Wiki User

Journalists can raise awareness about environmental issues through accurate reporting, investigative journalism, and by highlighting the impact of climate change on communities and ecosystems. They can also hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental policies and actions, sparking public debate and driving positive change. Additionally, journalists can promote sustainable practices and initiatives that contribute to mitigating climate change.

How much does a geologist make a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The salary of a geologist can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, and industry. On average, a geologist can expect to make between $50,000 to $120,000 per year, with the potential for higher earnings as they gain more experience and specialize in a particular field.

Human traits are usually?

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a result of both genetic and environmental factors. This means that characteristics such as personality, intelligence, and behavior are influenced by a combination of genetics, upbringing, social interactions, and life experiences. It is important to recognize the complexity of human traits and understand that they are not solely determined by either genetics or environment.

What can I do my neighbors snow plowing contactor pushed the snow from their parking lot against my fence and damaged it and the police say it is a civil matter?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try talking to your neighbor or the snow plowing contractor to see if they are willing to compensate you for the damage. If not, you may need to consult with a lawyer or file a civil lawsuit to address the issue. It may also be helpful to document the damage with photos and gather any relevant evidence.

What is a science trait?

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A science trait refers to a characteristic or feature that is associated with scientific research, such as curiosity, objectivity, skepticism, and critical thinking. These traits are often emphasized in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in various scientific disciplines.

What are traits that people deliberately change?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some traits that people deliberately change include their habits (such as exercise or eating habits), communication style (like becoming more assertive or a better listener), attitudes (such as becoming more positive or open-minded), and skills (such as learning a new language or gaining a new skill set for their career).

What is mass curve?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't know, please

What are some limitations to the seismograph?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some limitations of seismographs include their inability to predict earthquakes, their reliance on local installation for accurate readings, and their susceptibility to interference from human activity or other equipment. Additionally, seismographs may not accurately record seismic activity in very deep or shallow regions of the Earth's crust.

If a man has a Y trait what is the probability his daughter will have the same trait?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a man has a Y trait, his daughter will not inherit the Y chromosome from him. Daughters inherit an X chromosome from their father, so the trait on the Y chromosome will not be passed on to his daughter.

What is a trait that can be seen in an individual?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a trait that can be seen in an individual is introversion or extroversion. Introverted individuals tend to be more reserved and prefer solitary activities, while extroverted individuals are outgoing and thrive in social settings.

What are the traits of gold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gold is a precious metal known for its luster, malleability, and resistance to corrosion. It has a rich yellow color, making it highly valued for jewelry and as a store of value. Gold is also a good conductor of electricity and is used in various industrial applications.

What does inside traits mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

how the character is inside his/her's body and mind.

What are the six traits of viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Viruses are tiny infectious agents that require a host cell to replicate.
  2. They contain genetic material (either DNA or RNA) but lack cellular structure.
  3. Viruses can infect all types of organisms, including bacteria, plants, and animals.
  4. They have a protein coat that surrounds and protects their genetic material.
  5. Viruses are classified based on their structure, genetic material, and mode of replication.
  6. Some viruses can cause diseases in their host organisms.