



The profession of collecting, consolidating and packaging information. The stories and fact collected are published in various media for use by the general public or the specific target market.

1,569 Questions

What does an animal journalist do for a living?

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Asked by Wiki User

An animal journalist reports on stories related to animals, wildlife, conservation, and related topics. They may write articles, produce videos, or create content for various media outlets about animals and their welfare. Their work can help raise awareness about animal issues and advocate for their protection and well-being.

How does journalism apply to chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Journalism can apply to chemistry by helping to communicate scientific research and discoveries to the public in a clear and accessible way. Journalists can report on new findings, breakthroughs, and trends in chemistry to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of this scientific field. Good science journalism can also help hold researchers and institutions accountable for their work and ensure accurate reporting of chemistry-related news.

What is more valuable Impact Factor or Index Copernicus Value?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the purpose of the evaluation. Impact Factor is widely recognized in the scientific community and measures the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited. Index Copernicus Value, on the other hand, assesses the scientific quality of a journal based on various criteria. Researchers may prioritize Impact Factor for prestige and visibility, while Index Copernicus Value may provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a journal's quality.

Why weighing bacteriological media should be done quickly during media preparation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weighing bacteriological media quickly helps minimize exposure to contaminants from the environment, such as dust or microbial spores, which can affect the sterility of the media. Additionally, prolonged exposure to light and air can degrade some components of the media, affecting its quality and performance. Rapid weighing also helps ensure uniformity in the composition of the media, which is crucial for obtaining consistent and reliable results in microbiological experiments.

Why scientists use a journal to record their findings and thought?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists use journals to document their findings and thoughts to keep a record of their work for future reference. Journals also allow other scientists to review and replicate experiments, ensuring the credibility and validity of the research. Additionally, publishing in journals allows for the dissemination of knowledge to the wider scientific community.

What is a geologica feature?

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Asked by Wiki User

A geological feature is a physical characteristic of the Earth's surface that is formed by natural geological processes, such as mountains, valleys, plateaus, and rivers. These features provide valuable information about the Earth's history and the forces that have shaped the planet over millions of years.

What can journalists do to mitigate climate change?

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Asked by Wiki User

Journalists can raise awareness about environmental issues through accurate reporting, investigative journalism, and by highlighting the impact of climate change on communities and ecosystems. They can also hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental policies and actions, sparking public debate and driving positive change. Additionally, journalists can promote sustainable practices and initiatives that contribute to mitigating climate change.

How does biology impact journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biology can impact journalism by providing a scientific basis for health and environmental reporting, allowing journalists to accurately communicate complex scientific concepts to the public. Understanding biology can also help journalists in covering topics such as genetics, medicine, and wildlife conservation. By incorporating biological knowledge, journalists can produce more informed and accurate stories that contribute to public understanding and awareness.

Why was the study of line spectra useful in the discovery of new elements?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of line spectra was useful in the discovery of new elements because each element has a unique line spectrum that can help identify and distinguish it from others. By examining the line spectra of unknown substances, scientists could match their patterns with known elements, revealing the presence of new elements with distinct spectral signatures. This technique played a crucial role in the discovery and characterization of many new elements in the periodic table.

How much does a geologist make a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The salary of a geologist can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, and industry. On average, a geologist can expect to make between $50,000 to $120,000 per year, with the potential for higher earnings as they gain more experience and specialize in a particular field.

What are the human problems that modern researchers solved?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modern researchers have solved a variety of human problems including developing vaccines for infectious diseases, creating technology to improve communication and access to information, and advancing medical treatments for various health conditions. Additionally, researchers have made progress in understanding mental health disorders and developing therapies to address them.

Why weighing of bacteriological media during media preparation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weighing bacteriological media is important during preparation to ensure the correct and precise amount of ingredients are added for proper growth of bacterial cultures. This helps in maintaining consistency in the composition of the media, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and reproducible experimental results. Weighing also helps in avoiding contamination by ensuring that the media is prepared under controlled conditions.

What is tertiary halide?

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Asked by Wiki User

A tertiary halide is a halogenated compound (e.g. alkyl halide) in which the halogen atom is attached to a carbon atom that is bonded to three other carbon atoms. Tertiary halides are more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to primary or secondary halides due to the stability of the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction.

What is Grannett?

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Asked by Lovmiley12

It seems like there is a typo in your question. If you meant "Gannett," it is a mass media holding company that operates as a digital media company. Gannett owns USA Today and many local newspapers across the United States.

Is anything and everything possible?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not everything is possible, as it is limited by the laws of physics, logic, and morality. While with advancements in technology and human ingenuity, many things are achievable, there are still impossibilities such as violating the laws of physics or achieving complete perfection.

What does the author want from readers of the editorial It's Time for a Nation to Return the Favor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The author of the editorial "It's Time for a Nation to Return the Favor" wants readers to petition Congress to pay to rebuild and protect New Orleans.

What are the processes involved in live broadcasting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Live broadcasting involves capturing video and/or audio content in real-time using cameras and microphones, encoding the content for digital transmission, and streaming it over the internet to viewers. This process typically requires a stable internet connection, dedicated streaming software or platform, and hardware such as cameras and microphones. Additionally, live broadcasting often involves coordinating a production team to ensure smooth operation during the broadcast.

How do you write a specification on clock projects?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing a specification for clock projects, be sure to include details such as the type of clock (analog, digital, etc.), size, materials, design aesthetic, functionalities (e.g. alarm, calendar), power source, and any unique features or requirements. Consider including specifics on the clock's accuracy, visibility, and durability for a comprehensive specification.

What is the meaning of straight news?

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Asked by Wiki User

Straight news refers to factual reporting that presents information without bias, commentary, or interpretation. It focuses on delivering the news in a clear, objective manner, allowing the audience to form their own opinions based on the facts presented.

Which is the best Journalism school in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best journalism school in Kenya is subjective and can vary based on individual priorities and goals. Some of the top schools that offer journalism programs in Kenya include the University of Nairobi, Daystar University, and the United States International University (USIU). It's important to research each school's curriculum, faculty, facilities, and industry connections to determine the best fit for your interests and career aspirations.

Was life different before mass media?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, life was different before mass media because people relied on word of mouth, written letters, and limited forms of communication to stay informed. Without mass media, information traveled more slowly and was often filtered through smaller, local sources. The advent of mass media revolutionized how information is disseminated and consumed on a global scale.

Where can you find an example of different shields?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find examples of different shields in historical museums, medieval reenactment events, online auctions, and specialty weapon shops. These places often display antique shields from various cultures and time periods, showcasing the diverse styles and designs used for protection in combat.

What are the properties of lead?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lead has a blue-gray color. It is the softest and heaviest of the common metals. It is very malleable and ductile, but has no elastic strength, and its tensile strength is so low that it cannot be drawn readily into fine wires. It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. On account of its softness it can be readily squeezed through a press and thus shaped into rods or pipes. It melts at about 600° F.

What is the most paying job in the world?

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The highest-paying job in the world is typically a top executive or CEO of a major corporation, with salaries reaching into the millions, sometimes even tens of millions, of dollars per year. Other high-paying professions include surgeons, specialized physicians, and investment bankers.