

Lewis and Clark

Questions and information about American explorers Meriwether Lewis and Lt. William Clark.

3,226 Questions

How much were members of the Lewis and Clark expedition paid?

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Members of the Lewis and Clark expedition were paid between $2.50 and $5 per day, depending on their rank. Captains Lewis and Clark received $5 per day, sergeants received $3, and privates received $2.50.

Who led the Lewis and clark expidition?

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The Lewis and Clark expedition was co-led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They were both Army officers who were selected by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired lands of the Louisiana Purchase in 1804.

What were some of Lewis and Clark's animal encounters?

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Lewis and Clark encountered a variety of animals during their expedition, including grizzly bears, bison, elk, wolves, and prairie dogs. They also documented seeing new species, such as the pronghorn antelope and the grizzly bear, which were unfamiliar to them. Additionally, they sometimes had interactions with Native American tribes who hunted and relied on these animals for their survival.

Why are private parts private?

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Private parts are considered private because they are linked to intimate bodily functions, such as reproduction and elimination, and are associated with personal boundaries and modesty. Keeping these areas private helps individuals maintain their dignity, respect, and control over their bodies. It also helps establish boundaries for appropriate social interactions.

When did the Lewis and Clark end their expedition?

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The Lewis and Clark expedition ended on September 23, 1806, when they returned to St. Louis, Missouri after successfully exploring and mapping a route to the Pacific Ocean commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson.

What were some animals that Lewis and Clark discovered?

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Some of the animals discovered by Lewis and Clark during their expedition were the grizzly bear, bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, American bison, and the black-tailed prairie dog. They also encountered new species of birds, fish, and insects that were previously unknown to them.

What were three goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

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The three main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase, establish trade with Native American tribes, and find a water route across the continent for commerce. Additionally, they were tasked with studying the flora, fauna, and geography of the region and documenting their findings.

What did Lewis and Clark discover in Idaho on their expedition?

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Lewis and Clark discovered the Salmon River and the Clearwater River in Idaho on their expedition. They also encountered the Nez Perce Native American tribe and established peaceful relations with them during their journey.

What goals did Lewis and Clark accomplish on their adventure?

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Lewis and Clark accomplished several goals on their expedition, including mapping a route to the Pacific Ocean, establishing relationships with Native American tribes, documenting new plant and animal species, and assessing the resources in the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory. They also gathered valuable information about the geography, climate, and native cultures of the region.

What are five accomplishments of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

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  1. The expedition successfully mapped and explored vast territories of the American West, providing valuable geographic knowledge.
  2. They established friendly relations with many Native American tribes encountered along the way.
  3. They documented a wealth of new plant and animal species previously unknown to science.
  4. They demonstrated the feasibility of an overland route to the Pacific Ocean.
  5. Their expedition laid the groundwork for future westward expansion and settlement in the United States.

The main task of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to do what?

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The main task of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to explore and map the newly acquired territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish diplomatic relations with Native American tribes, and find a practical route for a transcontinental railway.

What new species did Lewis and Clark discover?

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Lewis and Clark discovered several new species during their expedition, including the pronghorn antelope, the grizzly bear, and the black-tailed prairie dog. They also documented many plant species that were previously unknown to science.

Did Lewis and Clark get chased by a bear?

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Yes, during their expedition, Lewis and Clark encountered many grizzly bears, but there is no record of them being chased by a bear. They did, however, have multiple encounters with bears throughout their journey.

What were some difficulties Lewis and Clark had on their journey?

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Some difficulties Lewis and Clark faced on their journey were harsh weather conditions, difficult and unknown terrain, encountering hostile Native American tribes, and navigating treacherous waters with their boats. They also struggled with illness, limited food supplies, and communication challenges with diverse indigenous groups they encountered.

Three animals that Lewis and Clark discovered?

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Some animals Lewis and Clark discovered during their expedition include the pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, and grizzly bear. These were just a few of the many new species they encountered and documented during their exploration.

What five animals were discovered during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

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They considered the grizzly bear to be the most "terrifying" and "exciting of all the animals they encountered. However, it wasn't the appearance of these animals that really surprised them, but the shear numbers in which they roamed.

Aleutian Canada goose

American Bison

Prairie dogs(barking dogs)

American goldfinch

American raven

Audubon's mountain sheep

Bull snakes

Black-billed magpie

Black-tailed prairie dog

Blue catfish

Bonaparte's gull

Brewer's blackbird

Broad-tailed hummingbird

Bull snake

Bushy-tailed woodrat

Cabanis's woodpecker

California newt

Carolina parakeet

Channel catfish

Clark's nutcracker

Columbia river chub

Columbian black-tailed deer

Columbian ground squirrel

Columbian sharp-tailed grouse


Cutthroat trout

Desert cottontail

Double-crested cormorant

Douglas' squirrel

Dusky horned owl

Eastern spiny softshell turtle

Eastern woodrat



Forster's tern

Franklin's spruce grouse

Glaucous-winged gull


Gray jay

Greater white-fronted goose

Grizzly bear

Harbor seal

Harris' woodpecker

Hutchins' goose

Least tern

Lewis' woodpecker

Loggerhead shrike

Long-billed curlew

Long-tailed weasel

McCown's longspur

Missouri beaver

Montana great horned owl

Mountain beaver

Mountain lion

Mountain quail

Mountain sucker

Mule deer

North American porcupine

Northern bobcat

Northern flicker

Northern pikeminnow

Northern plains striped skunk

Northern pocket gopher

Northern raccoon

Northern short-tailed shrew

Northwestern crow

Northwestern garter snake

Nuttall's (common) poorwill

Oregon bobcat

Oregon pronghorn

Oregon ruffed grouse

Oregon spotted frog

Pacific (northern) fulmar

Pacific loon

Pacific nighthawk

Pacific tree frog

Passenger pigeon

Pigmy horned toad

Pinyon jay

Plains gray wolf

Plains horned toad

Plains western hognose snake

Prairie horned lark

Prairie rattlesnake

Prairie sharp-tailed grouse

Pronghorn antelope

Red fox

Red-necked grebe

Red-spotted garter snake

Richardson's blue grouse

Richardson's red squirrel

Ring-necked duck

Rocky Mountain goat

Roosevelt elk

Sage grouse


Sea otter

Shiras' moose

Starry flounder

Steelhead trout

Steller's jay

Striped skunk

Swift fox

Thirteen-lined ground squirrel

Townsend's chipmunk

Townsend's mole

Tundra swan

Water terrapin

Western badger

Western common crow

Western fence lizard

Western gray squirrel

Western grebe

Western gull

Western meadowlark

Western mourning dove

Western pileated woodpecker

Western rattlesnake

Western tanager

Western toad

Western willet

Western winter wren

White sturgeon

White-tailed deer

White-tailed jackrabbit

Yellow-bellied marmot

What animal did Lewis and Clark explore?

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Lewis and Clark explored a wide variety of animals on their expedition, including bison, elk, grizzly bears, wolves, and antelope. They also encountered new species previously unknown to science, such as the pronghorn antelope and the mule deer.

What animals were found on the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1800?

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During the Lewis and Clark expedition from 1804 to 1806, the team encountered various animals, including bison, elk, grizzly bears, pronghorn antelope, coyotes, beavers, and various bird species. They also documented new species like the prairie dog and the pronghorn antelope. The expedition provided valuable insights into the flora and fauna of the American West.

What new animals did Lewis and Clark document?

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Lewis and Clark documented many new animals during their expedition, including the pronghorn antelope, grizzly bear, and bighorn sheep. They also discovered new species of birds, such as the western meadowlark and the mountain bluebird.

Were William Clark and Meriwether Lewis related?

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There is no known family connection between Lewis and Clark, but this doesn't not mean there isn't one.

Meriwether Lewis's family tree has been researched back through at least 32 generations with links to both European Royalty and American Presidents.

William Clark's ancestry is a bit murkier as it pretty much hits a brick wall after going back a mere 5 generations.

Who was York in the Lewis and Clark journey?

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York was an enslaved African American man who belonged to William Clark and was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. He played a vital role in the journey, contributing as a skilled hunter, giving support to the team, and establishing relations with Native American tribes they encountered. York's contributions were significant, but he did not receive recognition or freedom after the expedition ended.

How did Lewis And Clark find their way?

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Lewis and Clark used a combination of maps, compasses, celestial navigation, and interactions with Native American tribes to find their way during their expedition. They also relied on natural landmarks such as rivers, mountains, and wildlife to navigate through the uncharted territory.

What were some of the wildlife seen during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

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During the Lewis and Clark expedition, the team documented many wildlife species, including bison, grizzly bears, elk, deer, pronghorn antelope, and various types of birds such as eagles and pelicans. They also encountered and described new species to science, such as the prairie dog and bighorn sheep.

What info did the Lewis and Clark expedition bring back?

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The Lewis and Clark expedition brought back valuable information about the geography, flora, fauna, and indigenous peoples of the American West. They also provided detailed maps, scientific data, and insights into potential resources for future settlement and development. Additionally, they established diplomatic relations with various Native American tribes along their journey.

What animals were found by Lewis and Clark?

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Lewis and Clark encountered a variety of animals during their expedition, including bison, elk, grizzly bears, pronghorn antelope, beavers, coyotes, and wolves. They also discovered new species such as the prairie dog and the mountain goat.