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I dont know so somebody better answer it besides me :D

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Q: Who was the speaker of the house of representatives in 2003?
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Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives in US?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is Paul Ryan.

Who choose the speaker of the House of Representatives?

The members of the House of Representatives vote to select the Speaker.

Who is the speaker in the Australian house of representatives?

The Speaker in the Australian House of representatives is The Hon. Anna Burke.

Who the leader of House of Representatives?

The Speaker of the House is the leader of the House of Representatives. As of June 2014, it is Speaker John Boehner.

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The presiding officer of the house of Representatives is the?

He or she is called the Speaker of the House.

The presiding officer of the house of representatives is?

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Who is the only officer of the house of representatives to come from the elected members of the house?

The Speaker of the House is chosen from the party that holds the majority of elected members in the House. The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.

Who is chooses the speaker for the House of Representatives?

The Representatives select the Speaker of the House of Representatives. There is no requirement that the Speaker actually be one of the Representatives; they could choose anybody that they like. But in practice, the Speaker is always a fairly senior representative.

How is speaker of the house elected?

The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the House of Representatives. Before the vote each party chooses their candidate. The majority party's candidate will then win the election (assuming his or her party's representatives vote according to the party's decision).

Which branch is the speaker of the house a part of?

The Speaker of the House is the leader of the House of Representatives. This is part of the Legislative Branch of the U.S. government.