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Unlike the rest of the community, the Radley's are private folk who keep to themselves. Boo Radley is known to be the mentally ill scion of the Radley family. He had not been seen in daylight for years since being confined to the family home following a legal altercation and subsequently, attacking his father with a knife. The elder Radley had refused to have him committed.

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9y ago
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1mo ago

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the children in Maycomb know rumors and gossip about the Radley family, especially Boo Radley. They believe Boo is a mysterious recluse who rarely leaves his house and is rumored to have committed violent acts in the past. The children's curiosity and fear about Boo Radley fuel their fascination with him throughout the novel.

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12y ago

The father was a religious extremist who rarely showed happiness was a "cotton picker" professionally, a way of saying he did nothing. Arthur (Boo) was a childhood troublemaker who after getting into trouble was kept in his house and never seen again until the end of the book when he saves the life of the Finch children. Boo's older brother had left when he grew up but returned after his father's death and was just like him only a little friendlier. The Mother is discussed little only to say she seemed normal enough but after years of being married became sad and as shut in like the rest of the family and died young.

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10y ago

she thinks that they are very nice people because that's what she heard some kids joke about
they have a right to their privacy
She respects their privacy and advises Scout and Jem to do the same and mind their own business.
they have a right to their privacy
she thinks boo is afraid to leave the house because of religious views, she doesnt think they are losers.
she thinks they are nice because she heards some kids joke about that and say they are great people

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13y ago

Dill. All of the children were curious about him, but Dill would stand outside the Radley house at the light pole and stare at the house. He always had some crazy idea to attempt to lure Boo Radley out of the house.

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11y ago

The Radley's represents the reject of society.Even if Boo Radley is a nice person he is still judged as a horrible and scary human being and compared to a ghost. Therefore, he seems too afraid to face the prejudices and injustice of his society . The Radleys represent the misjudgement.


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14y ago

Mr.Radley and Mrs.Radley then their sons are Arthur Radley(Boo) and Nathan Radley.

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12y ago

the children knew that Boo Radley was with some bad friends and his father wanted Tom to learn a valuable lesson, so he left him inside for about for a long period of time.

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13y ago

The house is very dark and gloomy, and there are rumours of a murderous man called Boo Radley, which turned out to be wrong.

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Why do people of maycomb dislike the radleys in the book To Kill A Mockingbird?

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What is the importance of the radleys' oaktree in these chapters?

The Radleys' oak tree serves as a symbol of mystery and isolation in the novel, playing a significant role in the lives of the characters. It is a focal point for the children's imagination and a source of fear and intrigue in the neighborhood. The tree represents the Radley family's secluded existence and the rumors that surround them, adding to the overall atmosphere of secrecy and suspense in the story.

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The Radley place is located in a small town called Maycomb in the southern United States. It is a mysterious and reclusive house where the Radley family lives, including the reclusive Boo Radley, who is a central character in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

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