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Q: Who will make missions to the space station to deliver supplies?
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Related questions

What was the main mission of the space shuttle program?

The main mission of the space shuttle program was to provide transportation for both astronauts and supplies, to and from the international space station. There were several other missions as well.

Why was the space station built in orbit instead of on the Moon?

Low earth orbit is closer, can be reached more efficiently (less expensively) and meets mission objectives of performing scientific experiments and observations in microgravity. A moon orbiting station would be more expensive to maintain, increase risk to the crew aboard and crews servicing it, without added benefit to the mission of the station. To date there have been 6 manned missions to the moon, and 20 missions to the International Space Station which has included numerous Space Shuttle and Soyuz missions providing crew, supplies and segments of the station.

What are the roles of the space shuttle and the space station in space programs?

they both can be used in space to do missions

Could you ever run out of food or oxygen in space?

Yes, astronauts in space rely on regular resupply missions to ensure they have enough food, water, and oxygen. If these resupply missions were to stop, they could potentially run out of these essential supplies. However, astronauts onboard the International Space Station can also recycle air and water to extend their supplies.

Is Skylab a space probe a space station or a space shuttle?

it was also in the earlyer (not shuttle) missions

What types of missions does the space shuttle go on?

the missions vary from taking satellites into space or parts for the ISS (international space station) or repair jobs on existing satellites

How do space shuttles aid space exploration?

Space shuttles are not directly involved with space exploration. A space shuttle is only designed to be able to deliver supplies and cargo to Low earth orbit and back. The only way that the space shuttle helps with space exploration is by doing missions to set up and repair space telescopes, which can be used to learn more about about the universe.

Where does the space shuttle land when space?

Most space shuttle missions have been to the International Space Station. The correct term would be to dock at the station, not to land there (since it is not located on land, but is floating in space).

How often does the International Space Station get supplies?

it gets supplies every other year or ever year.

What is the purpose of spacecraft endeavor?

To deliver parts to the ISS(international space station).

How often do the astronauts get new supplies on the ISS?

Astronauts typically receive resupply missions every few months. These missions bring new food, equipment, experiments, and other supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) to support the crew's needs and ongoing research.

How does the international space station get supplies?

They are brought up by other space craft, usually one of the Space Shuttles.