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Yes. Old English was the primary spoken language in England from around 600 AD to 1100 AD. During and after the Roman period Latin and Celtic languages were spoken, and when the Romans left the Anglo-Saxons brought their language (what we call Old English) to the island from Germany. This evolved into Middle English when it was mixed with French after the Norman invasion, and finally into Modern English after the Great Vowel Shift around the year 1500.

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13y ago
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12y ago

It's a question associated with when,how,why,and where?

where and when was the English language introduced to the globe? notably we turn to Great Britan ,but historically our Island cousins did not speak the English we know today. the answer is found in the leading languages of the world of the first century b.c.

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13y ago

The Angles, a tribe from Northern Germany and Denmark who settled in what is now England, spoke a form of English called Old English. This tribe became known as the English over time, and the language we know today developed in England, and was spread across the world because the English conquered many places.

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10y ago

The Anglo-Saxons are consider the first speakers of a type of English (although it was very different from any variety of Modern English.

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6y ago

English developed over many years so no one person suddenly started speaking English. Many people were speaking English as it developed into a separate language

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12y ago

hippo lesha mega helloring

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13y ago

you are not smart. how should i know?

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15y ago
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6y ago

No one can say who the first person was.

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