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It is because the world is dependent on it.

Like you, For example you are using technology to find the answer.

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Q: Why Is The World All Into Technology Not saying its bad but too many people are using it for unnecessary doings?
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What has changed in the making of technology?

In my opinion, (not saying this may be a fact) technology was changed when Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Technology started out with the basic, everyday things, like the wheel. As people evolved, so did technology.

What messages do you have for me today?

Live,love,laugh,do good for your human and nature surroundings, andobserve Allah (God in English) in your doings, saying, and worship.

What are the causes of technology?

There is a saying 'necessity is the mother of invention' If what is invented is called technology then that is what 'causes technology'

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its not people just think that because technology would seem more important, but there is still more stuff out there people haven't discovered yet. And people who think this are actually saying tech is more enjoy able

Which of those helps you understand what people are saying to you?

Speech recognition technology helps to transcribe and understand spoken language. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques help to analyze and make sense of the transcribed text, allowing for a deeper understanding of what people are saying.

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Science is the way of your life !

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that is like saying is your cut of ear normal looking. there is nothing normal about the unnecessary amputation of a body part.

How does technology help people communicate better?

Technology lets people communicate instantly no matter how far apart they are. Telephones and the internet are huge examples of this. Technology helps translate languages so people can understand what others are saying even if they don't speak the same language. Language learning software, automatic translation of websites are examples. Technology lets people who would normally have no or very little means of communication communicate. Hearing aids are an example. But in every case, technology is the bridge that joins people or groups together so that they can converse, share ideas, and grow.

Does saying sorry make everything better?

Illegal or not, you should be sorry if it was a wrong thing to do. That doesn't mean sorry doesn't make it all better it just means you have to face the consequences for your wrong doings.

Should technology be used for academics or entertainment?

Technology can be used for both it's like saying can a cracker can be used for soup and salad.

What does it looked something like Technology mean?

Its an old saying like be careful what you wish for is. I was wondering what this saying means. I know these two sayings are not connected. I know its an old saying.

What is the song called that sounds like a robot talking and eventually repeats saying technology?
