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The reason why there is no rainfall in Rajasthan because the Alavari Range is parallel to the south-west wind which comes from Arabian sea with moisture.Due to the parallel figure of alavari range the south-west wind doesn't meet with it to shade rainfall in Rajasthan.

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4y ago
Spelling is Aravali and not Alavari.. Anyways, thanks a lot..!!
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11y ago

Rajasthan receives less rainfall because it is a desert region and besides aravalli range lies parallel to the rain bearing monsoon winds and doesn't have any mountain that can obstruct these winds..

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Q: Why does Rajasthan have no rainfall?
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Why rajasthan does not receive rainfall?

Rajasthan's low rainfall is primarily due to its location in the rain shadow area of the Aravalli mountain range, which blocks the moisture-laden monsoon winds from reaching the region. Additionally, its desert climate and high temperatures lead to rapid evaporation of any moisture that does enter the region, further limiting rainfall.

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The area that receives the lowest amount of rainfall annually in India is the Thar Desert in the state of Rajasthan. This desert region is known for its arid climate and scanty rainfall, with some parts receiving less than 250 mm of rainfall per year.

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Why parts of rajasthan receive scanty rainfall?

Parts of Rajasthan receive scanty rainfall due to their location in the arid zone of the country, where the monsoon winds have already lost much of their moisture before reaching these regions. Additionally, the presence of the Aravalli mountain ranges in the state acts as a barrier, blocking the moisture-laden winds from reaching further inland. These factors contribute to the arid and semi-arid climate in Rajasthan, resulting in low rainfall.

INDIA mein sabse kam barish kis zile mein hoti hai?

Rajasthan ka Bikaner jila Bharat mein sabse kam varsha wala area hota hai. Yahaan annual rainfall lagbhag 10-30 cm hoti hai.

Which is the driest place in India?

The driest place in India is the region of Jaisalmer in the state of Rajasthan. It falls within the Thar Desert and receives very low rainfall annually.

Why the parts of rajasthan gujarat and the leeward side of the western ghats are drought prone?

Rajasthan and gujrat generally fall parallel to the arabian branch of the southwest monsoon. they do not cause rainfall in this region as aravali hills fall parallel to these monsoon winds and do not cut as a barrier. the windward side of the western ghats recieve heaviest rainfall due to instant ascent of the southwest monsoon winds on the slopes of the western ghats and shed maximum moisture there. when they cross the wind ward slopes and came on the leedward side they become dry and cause very little rainfall. hence these areas remain rainless or recieve very scanty rainfall.

What places do not receive rainfall any time of the year?

Antarctica and the Atacama Desert receive virtually no precipitation each year and are the two driest regions on earth.