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It takes two to make a good relationship and that's why so often relationships or marriages break-up. One out of the two will try, but if both don't all is lost.

Any relationships takes patience, getting through rough times, just being there through the good and bad, and sometimes just hugging that person close to you and thank God you found someone like them.

6 months is really early in a relationship to be bored with each other. Men enjoy women with a sense of mystery and certainly some form of independence. Men seldom like clingy women or women that can't entertain themselves or have girlfriends they can go out with an enjoy themselves. There is no hard and fast rule that says once you date someone, get engaged to them or even marry them that you can't go out with the girls, go back to college or whatever you want to do. I have been married for 33 years this August, and my husband laughs his head off at me because he's told me, he never knows what I'm going to do next. I keep myself independent and it's really important both of us have "head space" from each other. I enjoy humor, making people laugh, have loads of friends, love to laugh myself and also give my husband some freedom to be with his own friends or do things that he would like to do while I do the same thing. We completely trust each other and are loyal to each other. No, this is not a marriage made in heaven for we can get into some boo-coo arugements for sure, but we always kiss and make up. He is laid back and calm, I am extremely extroverted, good sense of humor, but along with this I have a passion for what is right in this world and I try to do things to change it. I can have a fiery temper, but always end up laughing and apologizing. My husband dubs me "She looks like a butterfly and stings like a bee." I have left my husband for a couple of days because he made me mad, and vice-versa. It only made us realize how much we loved each other. To put it bluntly I wouldn't have missed this 33 year ride for anything!

So, please keep your relationships on the exciting side and never reply on any man 100% (that goes for the men with the women.)

Sit down with your boyfriend or talk things out. If he's disinterested and won't work on your relationship then it's time to cut him loose. Life is too precious to waste. There is someone out there that will appreciate who YOU are!

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Q: Why after 6 months of seeing someone do things slow down such as the cards stop or the love letters and sweet words of love are not as often and do couples fall into sort of a slump?
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