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Americans like a president who demonstrates leadership. People from both sides of the political aisle wanted to see Bin Laden brought to justice, and were very disappointed that President Bush did not accomplish this goal. President Obama, on the other hand, kept his promise that Bin Laden would pay for what he had done. While the Commander in Chief is not the one who carries out the mission, it is he who helps to plan it, fund it, create the strategy to carry it out, and make the final decision to implement it. Since the mission was successful, people were grateful to Seal Team Six for their bravery and precision, and grateful to the president for doing what it took to bring Bin Laden to justice.

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Barack Obama Announcing Death of Osama bin LadenIt has officially been announced that Bin Laden has been killed. (Click on the Related links to see a video of the announcement made by President Obama.)

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Like most Americans, Mr. Obama was very upset by what happened on 9/11/2001, when nearly 3000 innocent American civilians were killed in attacks that were planned by Osama Bin Laden. When Barack Obama was a candidate, he said if he were elected, he would make capturing and/or killing Bin Laden more of a focus than he believed President Bush had done. And once Mr. Obama was elected, he carried out his promise. It should be noted that like President Bush, Barack Obama has no animosity against Islam itself. But he believed anyone who killed innocent Americans deserved to be brought to justice, and that is why he re-focused American military might on going after Bin Laden-- because of what Bin Laden had done when he orchestrated the attack on America.

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Osama bin Laden

What will the US do to Osama bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011,us troops found him in his house and killed him

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he was capture, and killed.

When was bin laden really killed?

He was killed may 11

What did the US did to bin laden?

killed him

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How did the seals entered the house of Osama bin Laden and killed him?

it wasn't seals it was the USA army force that killed Osama Bin Laden