

Why are pandas the populists animas in china?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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they have the most littleist babies of all bears.

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Q: Why are pandas the populists animas in china?
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From what country are giant pandas?

Giant pandas are naturally found only in central China, red pandas are found in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal, northern India, Bhutan, Myanmar and China.

Do pandas live on China or an arctic?

No pandas live in central china>

Why does panda live in china?

Pandas live in China because there is bamboo in China. Pandas eat bamboo.

Where were pandas born?

Pandas were born in China

Do panda's live in Australia?

No, only in the Zoo. Pandas are from China.

Are pandas found in China?

Yes, giant pandas are found naturally ONLY in China.

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No, the natural habitat of Pandas is in China.

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Giant pandas are found naturally only in China.

Where does the pandas live?

pandas live in certain parts of china but are slowly disappearing

Can you find pandas in Uganda?

no, panda are endemic to China

What does China do for pandas?

one of the ways china helps pandas is the increasingly large supply of bamboo which pandas need to eat/live and grow.