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because some are mad and some are friendly

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Q: Why are some ghosts mean and some are nice?
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How do you make a mean ghost be nice?

Most ghosts aren't evil, just want to have some attention.

Are ghosts mean or nice?

Well, it all depends on the ghost. You see, some ghosts who are murdered want people to find their killer so they can be put to jail. Other ones want revenge.

Do ghosts be nice or real mean?

THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!!!! you only see them if you believe no such thing though okay everyone

Are ghosts nice?

Some Ghosts are Nice,but most of them arent, if your thinking of doing something like a weegie board i would advise you to as you realy know whats going to happen. people have had to many good experiences with weegie boards and never forget them. Ghost's are nice some are mean and evil I HAVE a necles when it turns read that means evil ghost and nice ghost the necles i have the name is called the evil eye

Are real ghosts mean?

well some can be mean but it depends on how they dide. THEY ARE REAL!!!!!!!!!!

Are ghosts really mean?

NO ghosts are not mean they need help from us they did not make it to heaven they wont curse they need help some people think ghosts are a cursing thing but they are not they are spirits who need help dont kill the ghosts try to find a way to help them

Are ghosts in reallife?

No. Do not worry about it, ghosts are not real because they are just made up. In reallife, there are no such things as ghosts but some people believe in ghost and some don't. This is quite true, ghosts are not in reallife because of that you watch scary movies or read scary stories doesn't mean that ghosts are real. They are just made up for fun.

Are there ghosts in colonial times?

People BELIEVED in ghosts during Colonial times. Does not mean that there WERE ghosts.

Are there ghosts in the white house?

No ghosts are verifiable. Some say there are some.

Is there more nice people than mean people or more mean people than nice people?

who knows there is so many people in the world some are nice some are mean because of their personalities and tempers and emotions.

Why do some ghosts wear boots?

There are no such things as ghosts.

Are ghosts good or evil?

Ghosts that are white are nice and ghosts that are black are evil. It is said to tame black ghosts into white ghosts is to play a soothing melody on the piano. I have 2 white ghosts and 1 black ghost in my home and i always never get attacked by the black ghost cause everyday i play oracion and its very calming to me and the ghosts so pretty much my home is their home.