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Outside our window, here in Busan, South Korea, is an old tulip tree. It started budding just before losing its last leaf a week before Christmas. But with the abnormally frosty weather we've been having, the buds have withered and most likely will not open in late February. Perhaps you have the same problem ?

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Q: Why are the tulip buds withering before they even open?
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Why do peole have taste buds?

They can help you discern what foods will be pleasant, unpleasant or even harmful to you.

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Yes. If your probation says "no drugs," and most of them do, you can't even drink.

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Yes they do and actually they grow more stonger because once one part of your body is wounded it will come back to be even more stonger than it was before and how did you burn your tonge?

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"she died slowly and painfully..... she died fast that she didin't even have a chance to close her eyes"

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They don't have the appropriate taste buds and i don't know why else, I'm not even sure how someone would even know that without being a cat it doesn't make sense but, ya, they can't taste sugar because thy don't have the right taste buds (:

How many taste buds do humans have?

It is all over your toughn you can even see a clear spot so there are 1000 or over.

Can pollen from a tulip fertilize an apple orchard?

No. Tulips are in the lily family and apples are in the rose family, and therefore not even close to being compatible. In many cases species in the same genus are not even compatible.

Does a tulip bear flowers of fruits?

[1] A tulip's a flowering bulb. [2] Fruits are the ripened ovaries of flowering plants. Within the tulip's flowers, they occur as leathery capsules within which are many flat seeds. [3] And the seeds can be successfully planted. But it'll most likely take 5-7 years.

Taste buds of the tongue?

The average human has about 10,000 taste buds; however, they're not all on the tongue. Some are under the tongue; some are on the inside of the cheeks; some are on the roof of the mouth. Some can even be found on the lips; these are especially sensitive to salt.

How are tulips dispersed?

The wind is the most common way in which tulip seeds are spread. Even a mild wind can easily carry the flat, light seeds a distance. Tulip seeds also stick to the fur of animals. Seeds often take root where they drop. Birds are responsible for spreading tulip seeds as well. Some birds eat the seeds, which then pass out in the bird's droppings. Other birds carry the seeds to new places on their feathers.

Are tulips harmful to eat?

Parts of the tulip are possibly edible, that is the petals and there are even recipes. The bulbs may be poisonous and at least best avoided, the taste is unpleasant anyway