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This is because big companies are shady. They wish to cut costs because they want to spend less money than they receive. It's all about greed; they will exploit the workers in the sweatshops all so they can save money.

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To exploit people, and to get as much profit, while spending as little as possible to pay the laborers. Because it's still legal in much of the world, and if people can legally exploit other people in sweatshops and make money off of them, many individuals will do so, because they love money more than people, and are unwilling to pay their a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

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Q: Why do workers in devopling nations continue to work in sweatshops?
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Why do workers in developing nations coontinue to work in sweatshops?

They want to reduce the cost of manufacturing by using inexpensive labor

Why do workers in developing nations continued to work in sweatshop?

Some proper jobs are very difficult to find. Sometimes workers are forced to work in sweatshops either by human trafficking or slavery. Some sweatshops are operated entirely by trafficked children, because they are easy to kidnap and exploit. These are reasons why sweatshops are illegal.

Who will be benefited if sweatshops are stopped?

Well, sweatshop workers for one. But more realistically, sweatshops hurt workers in more industrialized nations, where the hourly rate is higher, because companies find it cheaper to make products overseas. So really, the biggest benefit would be to workers in places like the US, who can keep their jobs.

Do workers in sweatshops get breaks?

yes they get 2 min. to mastrebate

Do workers in sweatshops get education?

no they dont they get 5 dollars every fortnight

Why do workers in developing nations continue to work in sweashops?

Because they feel a poor job is better than no job.

What are the age of workers working in the sweatshops in Mexico?

I guess you mean underage workers. Most of them are from 8 to 14 years old.

How much does it cost to make a sweater in china's sweatshops?

Pennies. The workers make a few cents a week and some are prisoners so they aren’t paid. The factories are sweatshops.

What globalization a disadvantage for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations

Why do companies use sweatshops?

Companies use sweatshops because they get cheap labour and workers that don't complain. Also if the move there company to a different country there maybe some resources they could use.

How much money do the workers in sweatshops get paid in the 1800s?

they get paid with burgers if your Jordan edge the fat thing

In what way is globalization a disadvantaged for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations