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I think that egyptians used some kind of material to preserve the bodys.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Tombs are so well preserved because they are sealed tightly. Air and moisture will cause a body to deteriorate fast.

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13y ago

Along with dead pharohs, they would put in the pharohs belongings, slaves, pets, and other possessions. The slaves went volunterrenly died and had mass suisides.

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14y ago

they put money jewels pets cloathes and servents with them

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Q: How were Egyptian tombs so well preserved?
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Why are the tombs so well preserved?


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Pharaohs thrones were placed in their tombs so that they could become a ruler in the afterlife.

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because they belifed in an afterlife so the body had to be preserved

Why did tombs exists in Egypt?

So when pharaoh or an Egyptian dies they an be placed there so nobody will try and steel their goods

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mummies were put in tombs and the tombs needed somewhere to go so the Egyptian people made pyramids..... Although I have no idea why they called it pyramids though.

What is the cause of the Egyptian custom of putting onjects in tombs?

So the eygptians can be rich and happy in the afterlife.!-pinkcute2-

Why is King Tutankhamun so remembered?

Because his tomb was incredibly well preserved, with many valuable items found in it - most other tombs were almost empty.

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its safe and its well preserved The organisms were buried quickly.

Do pyramids exist?

Egyptian pharaohs needed tombs, so the Egyptians would make pyramids as the pharaoh's tomb.

Why did Egyptian build great pyramids for their rulers?

They built the pyramids because pharaohs believed they would rule their land after their death so they built themselves magnificent tombs . These tombs are the huge pyramids .