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Hi, This is not uncommon. I know a Woman who did not have a period for 5 months after stopping Birth Control pill and there was no medical cause for this. In most cases, you need to rule out pregnancy. Once this has been ruled out, if your period doesn't arrive within 2-3 months and you are definitley not pregnant, then it is due to the hormones contained in birth control pills still remaining in your system. This can make your period very late or arrive early because your body suddenly experiences flare ups of hormones and then the next day no extra hormones. This can confuse your cycle. But if you are worried see your doctor hun.

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16y ago

It depends how long you've been on birth control for. If you've been on it for a few months then this is why your period hasn't arrive, because your body needs to adjust to working without the pill. You will probably experience bleeding 7-14 days after stopping the pill. However if you've been on the pill less than 2 months perform a pregnancy test.

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14y ago

While taking birth control, menstruation may be very light and even unnoticeable. This is one of the side effects of many birth control pills.

If you haven't had any sexual activity, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. The pill is doing it's job by decreasing effects of menstruation and helping regulate.

If you have had any sexual activity and fear that you may be pregnant, or there may be something wrong, contact your doctor immediately. Taking birth control pills while pregnant can have very negative effects on a developing baby, so if you ever fear you may be pregnant, contact your doctor.

Note: Always contact your doctor if you are unsure about anything. When altering the natural chemicals in your body or changing the way you body behaves, it is good to keep a close eye on yourself.

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Q: Why haven't you spotted or had a period for forty days after stopping birth control?
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What period is the actual regular period not because of stopping birth control?

It varies, about 28 days.

Can you get your period earlier by stopping your birth control pills now?

Yes. I do that sometimes.

Why did you get your period 2 days after stopping your pill?

That's normal. Just as stopping the active pills (typically after three weeks) leads to period-like withdrawal bleeding, stopping your birth control pills at any time in the cycle may lead to period-like withdrawal bleeding.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 days when you just got off birth control?

A short period is common when stopping hormonal birth control. Your regular period should return in four to six weeks.

Is is normal to miss your period a month after stopping birth control?

Your first period after stopping birth control pills will normally arrive in 4-6 weeks. If your periods were irregular before you went on the pill, they're likely to return quickly to their previous irregular pattern.

Can stopping the birth control patch cause your period to be brown or black?

Yes, you can expect an unusual period the first one or two times you bleed after stopping the patch. Your subsequent period will probably be more like those you had before you started the patch.

How soon did you get your period after stopping birth control getting you tubes clamped all in the same week?

3 days

How long should it take to get a period after stopping continuous birth control?

It can take up to three months for your period to return after stopping hormonal birth control such as depo provera or the pill. Any longer than this and you should talk to your doctor. Even if you do not have your period, you can still become pregnant so should take precautions if you are not trying to conceive.

I havent started my period and i started taking my last row of birth control and my period won't start?

It is probably a side effect of the BCP. Just keep on taking them as ordered.

You stop taking birth control pill last moth after your period and you still havent got your period it around the same day you get it with the pill what dose that mean?

Ask your doctor

Can stopping birth control cause irregular periods?

Yes it is possible to experience an irregular menstral cycle when you discontinue taking birth control. This is because when you take birth control it actually regulates your period. By stopping birth control you may experience breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is when you menstruate at times when you normally would not begin your menstral cycle. Breakthrough bleeding can possibly last for up to a full period or longer. Stopping birth control may also stop your period for a month or longer or you may not receive your period around the normal time of which you used to when you were taking your birth control.It depends sometimes you're period gets normal after birth control but sometimes it may still keep being irregular. It depends on the person and or pills

Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.