

Why birds don't fly at Night?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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11y ago

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Birds can't fly at night because it's really dark so they might bump into something or there blind

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Do birds fly at night?

Generally birds do not fly at night. However certain species do - owls, ducks and gulls. Migrating birds sometimes have to fly at night.

What birds can't walk?

birds can walk .. how do they start get ready to fly ? you dont see birds flying when its night time ? but some birds live on branches , but i dont think some birds cant walk .. i donno .. -MimiRules

How do birds fly at night?

exactly the same as they fly at day.

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no they dont amla

Why birds can't fly at night?

they cant fly at night because their eye sight is only for day

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All birds that are light and have feathers and have a purpose to fly

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Cause u touch yourself at night

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They dont. Studies of birds in the zoos and avivaries during the 1994 & 1999 eclipses showed that some birds did sing during the totality. When most birds even sing during total darkness at night the question of them to stop singing during an eclipse does not arise. Birds that migrate, fly at night and their calls during such nights are distinct.

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Yes, they are. Penguins are birds but they can not fly. However they still have feathers, are warm blooded and lay eggs.

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no, they dont. only fly during the daytime