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If you mean 'Why cant I leave the narcissist's life', in that you cant forget them as you are no longer together etc there are many reasons:

1) You remember how good the initial part of your relationship was, and for reasons unknown to you, they now seem like a distant memory, save for the fact that very occasionally, you still get glimpses of that person being at their best (be it with you or others) but everything you do still doesn't work to get those 'glimpses' more frequent, so you 'must try harder' (which doesn't work, by the way!)

2) The feeling you got from them (initially) made YOU feel whole, happy, lucky to be so idealized by such a wonderful experience, that in your mind NOTHING will EVER compare.

3) you have so lost who you are, that any scrap on offer will do, as long as they aren't hating you (its not hate by the way, it is simply that they havent the energy to tolerate you, and they cant be bothered with working at it as others are easier, ie new supply)

What is the overriding almost glaring fact in all cases, is that people think that the Narcissist is truly that special person he was, but has moments of rages, cruelty, selfishness, contempt, has affairs, punishes, verbal & emotional abuse, bullies, reckless behavior etc due to outside stresses that make them behave so badly. Once those outside pressures that are causing it go away, they will be back to how they were, and you will be once again, adored, respected etc. WRONG. Both people (ie the good and the bad person inside the Narcissist) are ONE AND THE SAME. You either accept that. Or you don't. To make it very clear, the person they are is the bad one. The good bits are real to them, but they have to work at it. They get bored easily, so it is inevitable that at the VERY end, you will get who they are ALL the time. Its up to you now how you want it to end - at what point do you walk away; ie your last memories of them are ALL bad or frequently bad, sometimes bad or not bad at all. For the latter one, leave it at the first date!!!

4) finally, there is one other reason (I'm sure there are more!) that I can think of. They don't want you to. Because if they had fully finished with you, and cant get anything else from you, you wont see them for dust.

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