

Why cant a women in the military serve on the fornt line?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Women serving in the military is a hot topic. Women serving on the front lines is very controversal. I'm not trying to argue against them in service but I am trying to explain the issues. The issue is NOT whether women can do the same work as men. The problem is two fold.

First-- Men have this desire to protect women. So if a woman is fighting with some men, the men may feel responsible for protecting the woman from harm. This may distract them from carrying out their mission. In combat, a soldier sometimes have to ignore the suffering of their comrades in order to complete their mission. Can a man ignore the suffering of a woman?

Second-- A group of men can function as a team of buddies when not distracted by the opposite sex. Add a woman to the equation and the men's focus is on the woman and this can break up their team cohesion.

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