

Why cats bring bad luck?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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it is a superstition so i dont know why

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Q: Why cats bring bad luck?
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Why is that black cats cause bad luck and not science?

Cats dont bring bad luck some people are hust superstitious and think this.

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Well, why should it bring bad luck? So what makes you ask? The answer is if you have faith in your hamster then it may. But, it's not about the luck a hamster brings you, it's the fun and laughter. If you think you want to know if it brings luck then you should be asking Does a hamster bring laughter? the answer to that question would be Yes.

Do black cats bring bad luck?

In some cultures, black cats are believed to bring bad luck, while in others they are considered good luck. Ultimately, whether a black cat brings bad luck is a matter of personal belief and cultural superstitions.

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Monkey bring bad luck not good luck.

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In France, black cats are traditionally seen as bad luck, particularly if they cross your path. However, in some regions, they are also believed to bring good luck. Overall, cultural beliefs about cats and luck can vary within different communities.

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a snake cant bring you bad luck unless it is a a adder that is black then it is a year of bad luck

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They Don't.

Which cats are supposedly bad luck?

Black cats are often considered to be bad luck. However, this has not been proven to be correct.

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Birds and other animals do not bring luck, good or bad.

Is a black bad luck?

Yea black cats are bad luck landon robinson!!

Is a white cat lucky or not lucky?

Well, it really depends on if you believe they do or not. I mean, if I were a cat, red or any other color, I wouldn't want to bring good luck to someone who just shooed me away or scoffed at me. Since I'm a cat lover, I believe that all cats are good luck if you take care of them and love them.

Why did the Greeks hate cats?

to do with bad luck