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God did this to punish the Egyptians for keeping Hebrew slaves.(Read more about it in the book Exodus(In Bible) The above answer is not completely correct. The Hebrews were not slaves, and it was not a punishment for a wrong done to them, but the Pharaoh was being stubborn and did not allow them to leave Egypt. Each plague was worse than the one which preceded it until the Pharaoh finally relented.

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The Egyptians acted in premeditated cruelty (Exodus ch. 1) in harshly enslaving the Jews, and committed murder on a large scale (ibid.). In addition, they didn't want to hear anything about God (ibid., ch. 5).

By sending the ten great plagues instead of some minor intervention, God was demonstrating that the covenant with the forefathers and their descendants (Genesis ch. 15) was still very much in effect, and not to be flouted by the Egyptians. The plagues also confounded the Egyptians' idolatrous beliefs.

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When the Pharoah held the Hebrews captive, God sent plagues until he sent then free.

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Supposedly in favor of Moses who wished to save his people who were told to be slaves in The Bible.

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Q: Why did God send the plagues on Egypt?
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What did God send to Egypt?

Several plagues

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frogs and flies

What did god send to force pharaoh to let his people go?

God sent Plagues.

Why did God turn the water into blood in Egypt?

God turned the water to blood in Egypt as one of the plagues to get the Pharoah to release the Isrealites.

How many plagues did God create through Moses?

There were a total of 10 plaques in Egypt , sent by God.

What were the first nine plagues designed to do in Egypt?

Each of the nine plagues seems to target and overpower an Egyptian god to show that the Lord was the only true God. For example, when God darkness (plague nine) he proves his power over Egypt's chief deity Ra, the sun god.

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Does Moses send a plague Egypt?

No they were all ten of them sent by god on the land of Egypt.

Why did God send the frogs upon Egypt?

God sent ten plagues upon Egypt (Exodus ch.7-12), not only the plague of frogs. The purpose of the plagues was to impress upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians that God is the Boss (Exodus 7:5) and that the Israelites must be freed in order to serve Him (Exodus 7:26).The K'li Yakar commentary writes that, since the Egyptians worshiped the Nile, God symbolically trounced their false belief by making the Nile a source of anguish in the first two plagues. Also, since Pharaoh refused to recognize the voice of God (Exodus 5:2), He forced Pharaoh to listen to the constant croaking of the frogs (and later the unnaturally loud thunder during the hailstorms (Exodus 9:28) (K'li Yakar).

Why did Moses send the 10 plagues?

God sent the 10 plagues in Egypt because the Pharaoh wouldn't obey God's message through Moses to let the Israelites leave slavery. Pharaoh said he would after every plague to get rid of them, but changed his mind. After the last plague, involving Pharaoh's son to die, he finally gave in and the Israelites escaped Egypt.

What were the purposes for the plagues?

This was to let Pharaoh know god was more powerful then him. and it would be wise to let the Hebrew people go from Egypt.

The ten plages?

The Ten Plagues or "The 10 Wonders of God" were 10 events taking place in Egypt in the book of Exodus from the Bible. According to the Bible the 10 plagues were caused by God as punishment to Egypt for not letting the enslaved Jews be set free. According to the book of Exodus Moses (A shepherd sent by God) asked the pharoah of Egypt to let God's people go. The pharoah refused. So God sent these 10 plagues upon the Egyptians and their land: the plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Boils, Hail and fire, Locusts, total darkness, and the final plague: every firstborn son in Egypt was killed by the Angel of Death. After the last of these the Pharoah finally let the Jews who had been slaves under Egypt free.