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Each of the nine plagues seems to target and overpower an Egyptian god to show that the Lord was the only true God. For example, when God darkness (plague nine) he proves his power over Egypt's chief deity Ra, the sun god.

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Q: What were the first nine plagues designed to do in Egypt?
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What were the nine plagues?

I no some frogs flies gnats locusts water to blood hail death of first born darkness and boils but there were ten plagues

Why wasn't Pharaoh troubled by any of the first nine plagues?

He was, but his hear was hardened against letting the people go.

Were there ten or nine plagues?

No. There was a warning for each of the first two in the sets of 3. In other words, the 3rd, 6th, and 9th plagues did not have a prior warning. This was a punishment for Paraoh's not having learned the lesson of the plagues for which he was warned.Let my people go!Moses told Pharoah to let his (God's) people go, and since he didn't, the plagues came, ending with the death of the Pharoah's only son, as well as the death of all other Gentile first borns in Egypt.Another answer:The plagues WERE the warning!

What are the first nine plagues?

The first was blood.Blood, frogs, lice, mixed animals, plague, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, dying of the firstborn.Additional Answer:Each of the plagues God sent upon the Egyptians, were directed against one of their gods to show them the superiority of the One true God of the Israelites. The first was against their god of the Nile - Hopi, where God turned the water to blood, effectively denying them this life giving source.

How many plagues did God set on Egypt?

Moses cast 10 plagues on Egypt Locusts, angel of death, frogs, death of cattle, etc. --------- Actually Moses didn't cast any plagues at all, God did. And yeah there were 10 of them in total. The last being the worst, which struck Pharaoh the hardest. They were the Plagues of : Blood, Frogs, Swarms of flies, the death of all the livestock that were in Egypt, Boils, Hail, Locusts, the plague of Darkness, and of course the last and final one that struck Pharaoh the hardest like I said. And that was with the Angel of Death. Which is the reason why the Jewish people still today celebrate the passover. -- Because God the Father told all the Jewish people before this last one occurred -to swipe a newborn lamb's blood over the threshold of their doorway -so the Angel of Death would PASS OVER their homes. And in the morning Pharaoh could then proceed to take his people out of slavery and into the promised land. This convinced Pharaoh because of the fact that he had a relatively newborn son which the Angel of Death took along with the other infants God told him to take. 1. It was because of this that Pharaoh keep his word. Because for one the other magicians at the time couldn't do this miracle, and secondly and more importantly only GOD has the power to give life, or to take it. (see Exodus chapters 7-11).

Where was the first library built?

The first library was built in Alexandria, Egypt and was called the Royal Library of Alexandria. It was dedicated to the nine goddesses of the arts and was built in the 19th century.

What age did King Tutankhamun became pharaoh of Egypt?

when he was nine

When was King Tutankhamun Pharaoh of Egypt?

He was nine years old and ruled until his death nine years later.

Why did God make only ten commandments?

The ten commandments are the same as the nine commandments of Egypt ( Ra ) with the addition of the sabbath. The unions won their first victory.

What is nine to the first power?

Nine to the first power is 9.

How do you beat level nine on Civil balls in Egypt?

u don't u cheaters

What are the nine Arab countries in Africa?

Egypt Sudan Algeria Morocco Libya Tunisia Mauritania