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The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973 was divided, one half jointly to Leo Esaki and Ivar Giaever for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively and the other half to Brian David Josephson for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects.

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Q: Why did Ivar Giaever win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973?
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What Nobel Prize did Ivar Giaever win and when was it awarded?

Ivar Giaever won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973.

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Brian David Josephson won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973.

Why did Brian David Josephson win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973?

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973 was divided, one half jointly to Leo Esaki and Ivar Giaever for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively and the other half to Brian David Josephson for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects.

Why did Leo Esaki win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973?

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973 was divided, one half jointly to Leo Esaki and Ivar Giaever for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively and the other half to Brian David Josephson for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects.

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