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Jesus spent Lent because he has planned from the beginning the salvation.Jesus freely offered his life as an expiatory sacrifice, that is, he made reparation for our sins with the full obedience of his love unto death. This love “to the end” (John 13:1) of the Son of God reconciled all of humanity with the Father. The paschal sacrifice of Christ, therefore, redeems humanity in a way that is unique, perfect, and definitive; and it opens up for them communion with God.

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Q: Why did Jesus spend lent?
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Lent is the 40 days of fasting done by Jesus in the wilderness, after he was baptized by John.

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Pray, and contemplate the meaning of Lent and Christmas. Apply the meaning to your life.

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Lent is the 40 day period which Jesus spent in the Wilderness resisting temptation from the Devil. During this time, Jesus had no food whatsoever.

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Lent is the period of 40 days when Jesus completely fasted. Lent ends with Good Friday i.e. the death of Jesus Christ. Lent is a period of penance and remembering the sufferings and pain of Jesus Christ. Therefore it's good to abstain from meat during the season of Lent.

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Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ's rising from the dead, is celebrated at the end of lent.

What do people do when lent is over?

Celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! The preparation for Easter is what Lent is all about.

Why is Lent is a waiting time?

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In Lent what does the bread and wine mean?

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Why do Christians celebrate lent?

Because Jesus/God did.