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To honour their gods. The aztecs thought that the sky was a sacred place so they built their temples as tall as they could in order to be able to reach the gods.not a very clear anser for this question in this world today. try again later

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Q: Why did the Aztecs built the Aztec pyramid?
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What is an Aztec pyramid?

An Aztec pyramid is a form of pyramid specifically built by the Aztecs, with a rectangular base.

Who built Aztec?

Aztec is not a place, it represent an ancient empire. The Aztecs built the Aztec empire if that is what you mean. The Aztecs were originally from Asia, like all native Americans.

What did the Aztecs do when they had built the Aztec step pyramid?

they built them because they sacrificed people to the gods at the top and also to make the Gods happy so they will get rain to make the crops grow

The Mexican pyramids were built by the?

The AZTEC People.

Who built the Aztec pyramids?

The Aztecs built the terrific pyramids in Mexico.they were built to honour their noble gods

When did the Aztecs build tenochtitlan?

The Aztec built their city around 1325 AD

Where were the Aztec and Inca located?

the Aztecs lived in the location of Mexico City before it was built

What is the Aztec Causeway?

The Aztecs built causeways so they can get from the island surrounded by water to the land.

What city was Mexico City built on?

It was originally built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island of Lake Texcoco.

What landforms surrounded the lakes where the Aztecs built their capital?

The most powerful Mesoamerican kingdom of all time was the Aztec. The Aztecs built their capital in the Valley of Mexico which was surrounded by mountains and volcanoes.

How were the Mayan pyramids different from the Aztec pyramids?

Both cultures used the stepped pyramid principle, but the difference that can be noticed is that the Aztecs also had a double pyramid principle, which Mayans did not use.

Where were the Aztec and Inca civilizations located?

The Aztecs were in central Mexico and the Inca were in Peru.