



The Aztecs were active in Mexico from the 14th through 16th centuries. They are most famous for their practice of human sacrifice.

6,012 Questions

All of the following contributed to the spanish victory over the Aztecs except?

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Factors Contributing to Spanish Victory

Superior weaponry: The Spanish possessed firearms, steel swords, and horses, which were unknown to the Aztecs.

Disease: Smallpox and other European diseases decimated the Aztec population.

Alliances with Aztec enemies: The Spanish formed alliances with other indigenous groups who resented Aztec rule.

Psychological warfare: The Spanish used intimidation tactics and exploited Aztec beliefs about gods and conquerors.

Miscalculations by the Aztecs: The Aztecs initially saw Cortés as a returning god, giving him a tactical advantage.

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What are three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed?

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The three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed were the highland zone (temperate climate), the valley zone (mild climate), and the tropical lowland zone (hot and humid climate). These zones influenced the type of crops grown and the lifestyle of the Aztec civilization.

What do Aztec sun tattoos symbolize?

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Aztec sun tattoos symbolize life, energy, and power. The sun was a significant deity in Aztec culture, revered as a source of light, warmth, and nourishment, making it a popular symbol for strength and vitality.

Why do Aztecs eat sperm?

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There is no historical evidence to suggest that Aztecs as a group consumed sperm as a dietary practice. Dietary habits and cultural practices varied among different civilizations and should be understood in their specific cultural context.

What did the Aztecs believe the sun did every night and every morning?

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The Aztecs believed that the sun died every night and had to be reincarnated each morning. They thought that the sun god needed sacrifices to be able to complete his journey through the underworld and rise in the morning.

What the Aztec sun gods name?

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There were a lot of sun gods...

Let's have a look at them...








How is the aztecs calendar alike and different from ours?

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The Aztec calendar, known as the tonalpohualli, was a ritual calendar with 260 days in a cycle, while our Gregorian calendar has 365 days in a year. Both calendars have different ways of measuring time and organizing days, but they both serve the same purpose of marking the passage of time and important events.

What was the Aztec lunar calendar based on?

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The Aztec lunar calendar, known as the tonalpohualli, was based on a 260-day cycle. This calendar combined 20 day signs with the numbers 1-13 to create a unique date for each day. It was used for religious ceremonies, divination, and determining auspicious dates for various activities.

How does the stone sun calendar reflect beliefs of the Aztec people?

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The stone sun calendar, known as the Aztec Calendar Stone or Sun Stone, reflects the Aztec people's beliefs in cyclical time, the significance of the sun in their cosmology, and the need for sacrifices to ensure the sun's continued rise. Its intricate carvings depict the Aztec worldview, including the intertwining of religious, political, and astronomical elements in their society.

How do you make an Aztec calendar out paper plates?

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To make an Aztec calendar out of paper plates, you can paint or draw the intricate design of the calendar on the surface of a large paper plate. Use different colors to represent the various symbols and sections of the calendar. Add details and decorations to make it more authentic, if desired.

What is the name of the Aztec god of the wind?

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The Aztec god of the wind is named Ehecatl. He is often depicted as a feathered serpent and is associated with creation, life, and inspiration. Ehecatl was a significant deity in Aztec religion and mythology.

What does the symbols on a Aztec Sunstone mean?

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The symbols on the Aztec Sunstone, also known as the Aztec Calendar Stone, represent various aspects of Aztec cosmology and mythology. The central image depicts the sun god Tonatiuh, surrounded by symbols that represent different time periods, deities, and cosmological beliefs of the Aztec civilization. The stone is believed to have been both a calendar and a sacrificial altar.

How did the AZtecs use fireflies?

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The Aztecs used fireflies as a source of light by trapping them in containers. They may have also used them for their luminescence in religious ceremonies or as a natural form of entertainment.

Aztec god above the earth heavens?

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The Aztec god most closely associated with the heavens is Tezcatlipoca. He is seen as a creator god and associated with the sky, time, and destinies. Tezcatlipoca was believed to watch over the earth from the heavens and wielded great power over the cosmos.

Was the Aztec calendar solar or lunar?

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The Aztec calendar was a combination of both solar and ritual calendars. The solar calendar consisted of 365 days, while the ritual calendar (tonalpohualli) had 260 days. The two calendars worked together to create a more complex system for tracking time and events.

How much does the Aztec sun stone weigh?

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The Aztec sun stone, also known as the Stone of the Sun, weighs approximately 24 tons. It is a large carved monolithic sculpture that measures about 3.6 meters (12 feet) in diameter.

How did the Aztecs predict eclipses?

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The Aztecs used a combination of religious beliefs and astronomical observations to predict eclipses. They believed that an eclipse was caused by a serpent-like creature devouring the sun or moon, and they would make sacrifices to ward off this creature. Astronomically, they had knowledge of the movements of celestial bodies and were able to predict when an eclipse would occur based on patterns they observed.

The Aztecs believed the sun needed what?

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The Aztecs believed that the sun needed human sacrifices to keep rising each day. They performed rituals and sacrifices to ensure the sun would continue to shine and provide light and warmth. The sacrifices were seen as necessary to prevent the end of the world.

What might the aztec have meant when they referred to the sun guiding events?

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The Aztecs believed that the sun dictated the rhythm of life and that its movements controlled natural events and human destiny. They viewed the sun as a powerful deity, guiding and influencing the course of their lives through its movement across the sky.

How is the Aztec calendar different from ours?

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The Aztec calendar is made up of two interlocking cycles, the 260-day Sacred Calendar and the 365-day Solar Calendar, creating a 52-year calendar round. This is different from our Gregorian calendar, which is a 365-day solar calendar with a leap year every four years. Additionally, the Aztec calendar was based on a combination of astronomical observations, religious beliefs, and mathematical calculations.

How do you say star in Aztec?

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The Aztec word for star is "citlalli."

What did the aztecs do to please their gods?

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The Aztecs pleased their gods through offerings and sacrifices. They offered items like food, flowers, and precious objects, as well as human sacrifices which were seen as the most valuable offering. Performing rituals and ceremonies in honor of the gods was also important in Aztec religious practices.

How did the geography of the Aztecs affect their culture?

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The geography of the Aztecs, located in present-day Mexico, influenced their culture by providing fertile land for agriculture, which in turn led to the development of a complex society based on farming and trade. The presence of natural barriers like mountains and lakes provided protection from outside threats, contributing to the growth of the Aztec empire. Additionally, access to waterways facilitated transportation and communication, further enhancing their cultural development.

What is the Aztec calendar made of?

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The Aztec calendar, known as the Sun Stone or Stone of the Fifth Sun, is made of basalt, a volcanic rock. It weighs about 24 tons and measures about 12 feet in diameter. The intricate carvings on the stone depict various symbols representing different aspects of Aztec cosmology and mythology.

How did geography affect Aztec trade?

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The Aztec civilization was situated in the central region of Mexico, which allowed them access to various trade routes connecting regions with valuable resources such as cacao, feathers, and jade. Their location also provided proximity to both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, enabling them to trade with communities along the coast and expand their trade networks. The geography, including the vast terrain, mountain ranges, and rivers, presented challenges for travel and trade, but the Aztecs adapted by developing a system of roads, canals, and trade markets to facilitate commerce.