



The Aztecs were active in Mexico from the 14th through 16th centuries. They are most famous for their practice of human sacrifice.

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How did Aztecs farm?

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Aztecs practiced a form of intensive farming called chinampa agriculture, where they built floating gardens on the shallow waters of lakes. They used a system of canals for irrigation and cultivated a variety of crops including maize, beans, squash, and chili peppers. Aztecs also used terracing, raised garden beds, and intercropping to maximize their agricultural productivity.

What farming technique was used by Aztecs?

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The Aztecs practiced chinampas, which were floating gardens used for agriculture. These were man-made islands composed of layers of mud and vegetation, allowing the Aztecs to grow crops such as maize, beans, and squash in the shallow waters of lakes. This technique was important for sustaining the large population of the Aztec Empire.

How many sutures are in the skull?

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There are eight sutures in the human skull. These sutures are fibrous joints that connect the bones of the cranium and allow for slight movement during childbirth and growth. Some examples of skull sutures include the sagittal suture, coronal suture, and lambdoid suture.

How were Aztec pyramids built?

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Aztec pyramids were built by layering stones and earth to create stepped structures. Wooden scaffolding and ramps were used to transport materials to the construction site. The stones were typically held together using lime mortar.

Did Aztecs settle in Arkansas?

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No, the Aztecs did not settle in Arkansas. The Aztec civilization was based in central Mexico, primarily in the capital city of Tenochtitlan (present-day Mexico City). Arkansas was situated far north of the Aztec territories.

Did aliens help the Aztec people to build there homes?

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Asked by ReinaIsabella

There is no evidence to suggest that aliens were involved in helping the Aztec people build their homes. The Aztecs were skilled architects and engineers who constructed their homes and temples using traditional building techniques and materials.

What is another name for Aztec chinampas?

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Another name for Aztec chinampas is "floating gardens." These chinampas were man-made agricultural plots built on the surface of lakes and marshes, where the Aztecs grew crops.

When did the Aztec's colonisataion take place?

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The Aztec civilization originated around the 14th century in central Mexico. They built their capital city of Tenochtitlan on an island in Lake Texcoco, which later became present-day Mexico City. The Spanish conquered the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century, leading to the colonization of the region.

Were the Aztec Indians hunters or farmers?

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The Aztec Indians were primarily farmers. They practiced agriculture on raised fields called chinampas, which allowed them to grow crops such as maize, beans, and squash. Hunting was also practiced, but agriculture was the primary source of sustenance for the Aztec civilization.

What is the system of farming that used by the Aztec?

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The Aztecs practiced a system of farming known as chinampas, where they built artificial islands in lakes and marshy areas. These chinampas were used for growing crops such as maize, beans, and squash, and were highly productive due to the fertile soil and efficient use of water resources. This farming system helped support the large population of the Aztec Empire.

What remains of the Aztecs?

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Today, the legacy of the Aztecs can be found in their descendants, particularly in the modern-day Mexican population. Their cultural impact is evident in art, cuisine, language, and traditions that are still practiced in Mexico. Additionally, archaeological sites such as Tenochtitlan and Templo Mayor provide physical reminders of their civilization.

How are the Aztecs Mayas and Incas alike?

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The Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas were all advanced ancient civilizations in the Americas. They were known for their sophisticated agricultural techniques, complex social structures, and monumental architecture. Additionally, they each developed their own unique religious beliefs and practices.

What kinds of terrain did it include in the Inca empire?

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The Inca empire included a diverse range of terrains such as mountains, valleys, deserts, tropical forests, and high-altitude plateaus. They utilized terrace farming and irrigation systems to adapt to these different environments and maximize agricultural productivity. This allowed them to sustain a large population and network of cities across their vast empire.

How did the Aztec use the environment around them?

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The Aztec utilized their environment for agriculture by building chinampas, artificial islands for farming, in the lake region. They also used resources like obsidian for tools and weapons, and developed complex irrigation systems for water management. Additionally, they incorporated local plants and animals into their diet and religious practices.

How many years did it take to build the Templo Mayor?

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The Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, which is present-day Mexico City, took approximately 200 years to build. It was continuously expanded and reconstructed by various Aztec emperors until the Spanish conquest in 1521.

Who discovered the Inca Empire?

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The Inca Empire was established by Manco Cápac, a legendary figure in Inca mythology. He and his siblings founded the city of Cusco and began expanding their empire in the 13th century.

What did poor Aztecs eat?

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Poor Aztecs primarily ate maize (corn) as their staple food, often combined with beans, squash, and chili peppers. They also consumed other foods such as tomatoes, amaranth, and avocado. Meat was consumed less frequently and was usually reserved for special occasions.

What type of stone are the pyramids made of?

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The pyramids in Egypt are primarily made of limestone blocks, with some parts constructed using granite and sandstone. The limestone was quarried locally and the granite was transported from Aswan, about 500 miles away. Sandstone was also used for some of the outer casing stones.

How did the Aztecs build their cities?

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The Aztecs built their cities by constructing large stone buildings and pyramids, often using a technique known as "talud-tablero." They also utilized a system of canals and floating gardens to support their urban infrastructure. The layout of their cities typically followed a grid pattern and was centered around a main plaza where important ceremonies and events took place.

Do the Aztecs still exist?

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No, the Aztec civilization no longer exists. The Aztecs were an ancient civilization that flourished in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. Today, their descendants live in modern-day Mexico as part of the broader Mexican population.

How big is your skull?

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I do not have a physical form, so I do not have a skull.

Does the Inca Empire still exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the Inca Empire no longer exists. It was conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century, leading to the downfall of the empire. Today, the descendants of the Inca people continue to live in the Andean region of South America.

Who has roads linked to capital city Inca or Aztec?

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The Inca Empire built a network of roads known as the Qhapaq Ñan that connected their capital city, Cusco, to various regions within their empire. The Aztecs also had a system of roads that radiated from their capital city, Tenochtitlan, connecting it to other cities in the empire.

How do you say hello in Aztec?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Niltze" is how you would say hello in Aztec (Nahuati) language. "Nican" is here, "No" is also, "Ne" is I or Me