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They needed to clear the graveyard to build the camp (although there are still three or four stones still standing). It was a way to recycle the material.

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Q: Why did the Nazis use Jewish gravestones to pave the road to the labor camp?
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Was aushwitz built to exterminate Jews?

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What did the Nazis tell Jewish when they send them to concentration camp?

They were often told that they were being sent to work in the East.

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Well, theres labor camps, execution camps, transit camps.

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no one, some escaped, but no one resuced them. Those who did not die in the camps would have to wait for liberation or for the Nazis to leave the camp.

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Before the Jews were in the concentration camp, the Nazis built a wall around their neighborhood called a ghetto. After this, the Nazis deported Jews to the camps.

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Ita Grynbaum was a Jewish girl who died from typhus in a labor camp in Poland in 1942.

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The Nazis were involved in the concentration camp Buchenwald because it was a camp for political prisoners.

Were there people at Bergan-Belsen who were not Jewish?

Yes. The Nazis running the camp were not Jewish. Additionally, there were non-Jewish political prisoners at Bergen-Belsen and other minorities like Gypsies interned there. However, the overwhelming majority of prisoners at Bergen-Belsen were Jewish.

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She went to Auschwitz, which was a concentration and death camp. The Nazis probably sent Anne and the others there because they weren't exactly made for hard labor, so they sent them to die.

Is camp Lindenmere a Jewish camp?

No, but there are allot of kids there who are Jewish.

Why Anne Frank get capture in to concentration camp?

anne frank got caught because she was a Jewish girl so at that time the Jewish were not like by Hitler the leader of the Nazis. that's why she was caught by the gestapo in the annex