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Because an amendment to the constitution allowed them to. Also, because the economics structure of the country was changing. When the country was founded, it was possible to fund the federal government strictly through other taxes, primarily import/export taxes. Remember, at the time the of the founding the country was primarily coastal and had major exports such as sugar and tobacco, and imported most of its finished goods from elsewhere. But things changed: America moved further from the coasts, it industrialized and no longer needed to import all its finished goods, and its domestic industry grew larger. These, and many other factors, led the income tax.

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12y ago
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12y ago

To pay for War costs during the Civil War

what a dummy ^ it started to pay costs for the French and Indian war...if you payed attention in school you would know they signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 not 1861 when the civil war started so they had to have gained independence before that which is when the rebeld against the Brittish...the only reason we had the Declaration of Independence because of the tax so it had to be before that gosh! and im a slacker in school i have straight Fs and i even know that :(


(slacker smarter then you) Shakeyah B.

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16y ago

to take all of our money!!!!!! Income tax began, as far as I know, in England in approx 1800 to pay for the War against Napoleonic France.

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The best income tax rates for someone who wants to start a small business is to talk to a tax consultant. Doing this on your own is not a wise choice and a tax consultant can help maximize tax breaks.

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When did income tax start in the US?

February 3, 1913

What is Before tax income after tax income?

Before tax income is gross income less allowable deductions and rebates = assessable income. After tax income is assessable income less the applicable income tax

What kind of income tax is based on your taxable income?

Income tax IS based on your income that is why it is called INCOME tax.

Is Payroll Tax considered Income Tax?

Yes. Any tax on income is income tax. Taxes imposed after income, such as sales tax, aren't.

What is a Fedeal income tax?

A income tax is a tax levied on the income of individuals or business.

When did the congress start tax income and why?

February, 1913, and an amendment to the constitution allowed them to.

Is Net income before or after tax?

Net income is what you get after tax, gross income is before tax.

Are there income tax calculators online?

Turbo tax is a great site that takes into account the different variables of tax filing and income taxes. I would start there and begin researching as taxes are an important thing to do correctly.