

Why did they build the first computer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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so santa can make more toys

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Who build the first computer?

J.H. Müller

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no one

Did Charles Babbage build the first computer ever made?

no. but he did invent the first general purpose programmable computer invented.

What year was the first computer introduced in the US?

The first Computer was build in US and was called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) In the Year 1946.

Where was the first computer build at?

The answer depends on how you define a computer. Konrad Zuse built the first electronic computer at Berlin, Germany The first electronic computer in the US was built at Ames, Iowa by John Atanasoff.

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How old was babage when he invented his first computer?

Charles Babbage was 33 years old when he designed his first computer but he didn't build

How long did it take to build the first computer for Charles Babbage?

It took Charles Babbage 9 years to get the computer right.

How can I find a technician to build me a computer from scratch?

The best way to find a technician to build you a computer from scratch is to look around your local area first then do some internet research and you should find them.

When was the first computer every invented?

Charles Babbage invented the first computer, the mechanical Analytical Engine, in the mid 1830s. However he was never able to get support or funding to build it.