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  1. Some were being persecuted by the Nazi regime.
  2. Communists, Social Democrats and liberal did not approve of Nazi policies.
  3. Some objected on religious grounds.
  4. Some turned against Hitler when it became obvious the Germany would lose the war.
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There where millions of people that didn't like Hitler, it wasn't just Jews that died in the camps, it was all of the Jews and all of the people who didn't like him, all of the people who where brave enough to stand up against him.

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Q: Why did some Germans not follow Hitler?
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Did Germans fight back at Hitler?

Some did, there were many attempts on his life by Germans.

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They were lead by Hitler and through him the German army killed 7 million Jews and another 6 million people. Although not all of the Germans were 'evil' since some were forced to follow along with this and some created protest groups. But back then, it was either follow along, or die.

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They were ALL GERMANS and they had elected him to office. He wasn't an outsider.

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No not all German's were Nazi's because some germans didn't agree with Hitler.

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Most Germans supported Hitler and the Nazis because, Hitler told them what they wanted and he gave them what they wanted. For some who wasn;t sure they were effected by propaganda then they supported Hitler.

Why did many Germans pledged to support Hitler and the nazi party?

Most Germans supported Hitler and the Nazis because, Hitler told them what they wanted and he gave them what they wanted. For some who wasn;t sure they were effected by Propaganda then they supported Hitler.

Why did the Germans start turning against the Jews even though they didn't want to?

For 2 reasons 1. Hitler was using propaganda on the germans, so some did believe in hitler and his ideal's about the Jews also, this was quite impowering to hitler because, once hitler got majority of germans on his side, he could proceed his plans 2. Hitler was using terror on the germans and the opposels of to the nazis

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Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.

What was Hitler's philosophy?

Hitler's Philosphy was that the jews were not equl to the Germans. He thought that Germans were the best.

Why does Hitler only like Germans?

Because Hitler believed Germans was a super-race and all other races were inferior to Germans.

Did Adolf Hitler fight the Germans?

if im understanding your question right, then no. Adolf Hitler lead the Germans

Do some Germans steal like Hitler?

Yes, Germans have a unique ethnic trait which grants them various degrees of xenophobia and tendencies towards shoplifting. Adolf Hitler himself was an avid thief.