

Why do Christian's think atheist's are bad?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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They do not, generally, think so. Many would consider them misguided but a lack of belief in a diety is not considered bad.

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Q: Why do Christian's think atheist's are bad?
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No. Atheists are simply people who do not think there is sufficient evidence for the existence of a God or gods. While some atheists do bother Christians and can be a nuisance at times, most stay quite and carry on with ordinary lives. Unfortunately, as with all groups, the most vocal atheists are the most noticeable ones. So it is important to avoid making a judgement based on this small portion of a large group.

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A:There are good people in every religion, just as there are bad people in every religion. We can not stereotype Christians as either better or worse than, for example, Hindus, Muslims or atheists.

Does everyone think that all atheists are bad?

No. Mostly groups who feel threatened by the meer presence of an Atheist do.

Why do atheist say christians harm kids?

I don't think it's true that atheists say christians harm children. Some atheists believe that children would be better served by education if they were taught about all major religions rather than one as it would give a more balanced view of the world.